Teller Report

Why Montpellier is facing a shortage of student accommodation

9/6/2022, 12:42:23 PM

“20 Minutes” questioned Stéphane Darmon, organizer of the Student Accommodation Space Montpellier is facing a shortage of student accommodation this fall. This situation is explained, in particular, by the massive return of international students, after the Covid-19, but also by the implementation of Parcoursup, which has changed the behavior of young people and their parents. But do not panic. Accommodation becomes available from time to time. You must therefore be ready to draw y

  • Montpellier is facing a shortage of student accommodation this fall.

  • This situation is explained, in particular, by the massive return of international students, after the Covid-19, but also by the implementation of Parcoursup, which has changed the behavior of young people and their parents.

  • But do not panic.

    Accommodation becomes available from time to time.

    You must therefore be ready to draw your file at any time, from the agencies.

Hard, hard, to flush out accommodation in Montpellier (Hérault), for students.

The Hérault capital, which is particularly attractive for its climate and its dynamism, is facing an unprecedented “shortage” of apartments this fall.

On real estate applications, students can scroll, but opportunities are rare.

“We are in a situation where there are hardly any more accommodations,” laments Stéphane Darmon, the organizer of the Espace Logement Etudiant, which gives students a boost each year in their research.

“Whoever finds accommodation, today, whatever the price, whatever the district… It's good,” explains this student rental expert.

Lou-Anne Guimier, president of Agem, the General Association of Montpellier Students, confirms that its structure has received feedback from many students who are having "more difficulty finding accommodation, or who have none not yet found”.

Parcoursup has changed behaviors

This hassle is explained, in particular, by the massive return of international students, whom the Covid-19 had driven away.

“They have been there, for the most part, since the third week of August, and are all having difficulty finding accommodation, continues Stéphane Darmon.

And without being demanding.

Even with budgets, for some, larger.

Up to 600 or 700 euros.

“While the average rent in Montpellier is 515 euros, according to the platform.

One of the highest in France.

But the return of foreign students is not the only explanation for this shortage.

This year, young people looked for accommodation much earlier than usual.

The main reason for this change in behavior is the implementation of Parcoursup, notes Stéphane Darmon.

“Previously, it was the results of the baccalaureate that triggered the research, explains the organization of the Student Housing Space.

Around the beginning of July.

While today, students no longer wait to know if they will get the diploma, or not.

“The real unknown is rather that of Parcoursup.

Will they be accepted, or not, in Montpellier?

The search for apartments therefore starts at the beginning of June, at the time of Parcoursup.

“There was also, this year, notes Stéphane Darmon,

Some Solutions

No reason, however, to give up completely.

Tenants, motivated by a new assignment, or who, on the contrary, have failed the baccalaureate, risk letting go of their apartments.

“There are regular departures, confides Stéphane Darmon.

The solution is to call back, every day, donors, to find out if they have new availabilities.

To monitor, also, the classified ads in shops, filed by individuals.

And to put alerts on real estate websites.


And, the most important thing is not to wait for the green light from an agency to gather receipts, any salary slips, or a letter from a guarantor, and build your case.

Because first come will be first served.

For those who need advice, the Espace Logement Etudiant is open until Friday, at the town hall.

Advisors are also available to listen to students on 04 48 190 190.

Our student file

In addition, on Wednesday (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.), the Hérault department and the CRIJ-Info Jeunes Occitanie are organizing an information day on student accommodation in Pierresvives, in Montpellier.

“While waiting to find an apartment, students can try, if possible, to be hosted by friends, continues the organizer of Stéphane Darmon.

For those whose parents are not far away, don't be afraid to take the train.

There are solutions that are not expensive.

And, also, do not hesitate to ask small hotels, which no longer have tourists, and which can make offers on long-term rentals.



Montpellier: To hunt down profiteers, the city is setting up rent controls


Montpellier now has the means to sanction the abuse of rentals between individuals on AirBnB (in particular)

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