Teller Report

Warning of poisonous spiders sparking fear in German cities

9/6/2022, 12:59:54 PM

Press reports revealed that poisonous "Nosferatu" spiders were seen in the homes of several German regions. The spiders aroused a state of fear, as it is believed that they arrived in Germany from southern Europe by transporting goods or in the luggage of travelers.

Warning of poisonous spiders sparking fear in German cities

Press reports revealed that poisonous "Nosferatu" spiders were seen in the homes of several German regions.

The spiders have raised a state of fear, as it is believed that they arrived in Germany from southern Europe by transporting goods or in the luggage of travelers.

And “Deutsche Villa” quoted the German “Mercur” website that many residents of the German state of Baden-Württemberg reported seeing poisonous “Nosferatu” spiders in the past few days, and added that these spiders were seen in the dishwasher, bathroom and garden of the house.

The Nosferatu spider is six centimeters long and has a brown colour.

These poisonous spiders usually live in the Mediterranean region, and it is believed that they arrived in Germany from southern Europe by transporting goods or in the luggage of travelers, according to "Mercur".

BFAO 24 reported that on the first of this September, about 70 people reported seeing the eight-legged spider, as it managed to reach the bedrooms of some people.

The same source added that the increased talk of seeing poisonous spiders caused a state of fear on social networking sites.

And the site quoted a person who wrote on his own account on Facebook, saying, "I would go crazy if I found one of these spiders in my house."

Another wrote, "I will pack my bags and leave immediately.

It is disgusting.”

The site revealed that the "Nosferatu" spider was also seen in several cities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, such as the cities of Münster and Leverkusen, as several people reported seeing this spider inside their homes and in several places.

Spider expert Robert Vail said these spiders use their venom to trap their prey.

He added that it is able to penetrate human skin.

Another spider expert, Stefan Luxa, says that because of the cold weather outside, spiders are looking for a place with a more stable climate, which is what they find inside homes and apartments.

"It is very likely that the spider will be discovered indoors more often in the future when autumn comes," he added.

Some nature conservation societies have requested that the Nosferatu spiders be well documented in order to learn more about them, and their potential spread in Germany due to climate change and other factors, according to the Mercure website.

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