Teller Report

Peskov said that sanctions prevent the repair of the Nord Stream gas pipeline

9/6/2022, 5:59:18 AM

Sanctions impede repair work on the Nord Stream gas pipeline, said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

“We cannot say how the repair work will be carried out, because sanctions prevent this,” TASS quoted him as saying.

According to Peskov, Gazprom has repeatedly confirmed its reliability as a guarantor of Europe's energy security.

At the same time, he noted that the sanctions imposed by Western countries made the maintenance system of turbine units and assemblies that ensure pumping inoperative.

As Gazprom's press service reported on September 2, an oil leak was discovered during maintenance work on the Trent 60 unit at the Portovaya CS.

Subsequently, Gazprom completely stopped deliveries via Nord Stream until the problems were fixed.

Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov said that gas pumping through the Nord Stream will resume after the turbine repair contract is completed.