Teller Report

Vinicius, the "defense" of the Champions League and the jokes: "Those who criticize continue, I don't care"

9/5/2022, 6:53:01 PM

On the field, Vinicius Júnior has the responsibility of a star. Real Madrid depends on him in attack and the fans and rival players treat him for what he is:...

  • Passport Vinicius acquires Spanish nationality after two years of waiting

On the field,

Vinicius Júnior

has the responsibility of a star.



depends on him in attack and the fans and rival players treat him for what he is: one of the team's most dangerous players.

And off the pitch, the media focus is focusing more on him every day.

At the first press conference of the

2022-2023 Champions League

, at the legendary

Celtic Park in Glasgow

, Vinicius was chosen to speak to the media.

An important responsibility to defend the word of the current European champion.

"I'm happy to have won the Champions League, but

I'm already looking forward to winning another one

. The coach tells us that we have to defend our title well," said the footballer, who finally received his Spanish passport last Friday.


I came here when I was 18 years old

, I had started my career and now I am 22 and I have things very clear. People love me very much and I love being in Madrid. My family is very clear about everything, they are happy in Madrid and many want to live here years. I like that because I also want to. I hope I can continue for many years".

After the season of his explosion, exceeding

20 goals

scored in all competitions, Vinicius is clear that he wants to continue "evolving", and for this there is nothing better than comparing himself with the "legends" with whom he shares a dressing room: "I hope it will be a season of many goals and assists to stay here for a long time, like

Modric, Marcelo, Karim (Benzema), Toni (Kroos)

... Legends who have been here for so long."

The Brazilian was questioned about the criticism, especially latent in his beginnings in Madrid: "

I always listen to the people who love me

, who are with me every day. My family, that's what matters. Those who speak and they criticize, they talk, I don't care. I do things for all the people who really know the work I do every day to be a great footballer".

After Vinicius it was

Carlo Ancelotti

's turn , convinced that "it's not an easy group".

"Celtic is doing very well, Leipzig too... You have to respect it. In the first phase there are always surprises and we have a very clear example in our group last year.

We lost against Sheriff at the Bernabéu

. It will be a group balanced".

Asked about the rotations and the ability of his team to face the months before the

World Cup

, the Italian assured that "we will not have a problem".

"The players are motivated to get to the World Cup in good condition.

The question is how they will come back afterwards


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  • Marcelo

  • Ministry of Defence

  • real Madrid