Teller Report

Twice as many cultural exercises compared to sports exercises: "Legged behind"

9/4/2022, 6:34:38 AM

Almost 400 motions contained the word sport during the last mandate period. That is less than half of the number of motions with the word culture. - I think that sport has fallen behind, but that it got a boost during the pandemic, says the Sweden Democrats' Angelika Bengtsson to SVT Sport.

Since the 2018 election, a total of 15,660 motions have been submitted, according to the Riksdag's website.

Of those, 399 contained the word sport, to be compared with the word culture where we found 963 pieces.

Culture thus has more than twice as many motions - something the majority of parties believe has natural explanations.

- Culture is significantly more politically controlled than sport is.

You have a number of different authorities, while on the sports side we let the National Sports Confederation convey the money to the sports federations and the various athletes, says Sports Minister Anders Ygeman (S).

At least motions from the Green Party

The Sweden Democrats' sports policy spokesperson, Angelika Bengtsson, says that one explanation could be that sports are part of the culture, but also admits that sports have fallen behind.

- I think it has fallen behind, but that it has received a boost during the pandemic where you saw how many people are part of the sports movement.

Above all when many had to close down, which has affected children and young people but also those who are older.

Of the 399 sports exercises, the Moderates have submitted the most, 125.

- It suggests that there is a genuine interest in sports.

And then we also see that sport has some functions in society that go beyond your and my own sports, says Moderate party leader Ulf Kristersson.

With its 17 motions, the Green Party has submitted at least.

- I think it is quite natural when you are in government, then you can implement your policy that way.

By actually negotiating and bringing forward important proposals in government, says the party's spokesperson Per Bolund.

Children's and youth sports important

If we instead look at party motions, motions brought by a party group in the Riksdag and signed by the party leader or the party's group leader, the result is different.

At the top we then have the Left Party and the Christian Democrats on 14.

- This mandate period, we have raised questions about para sports.

Create better conditions for those who need, for example, travel services, bring special equipment, costs for athletes in para sports which are much higher than in other sports, says the Left Party's sports policy spokesperson Vasiliki Tsouplaki.

The Left Party and pretty much all parties also highlight investments in children's and youth sports as an important issue for sports to work with.

- Now that households are pressured by higher costs, to be able to continue to bring more people back into association life.

I think that is so incredibly important.

It can also reduce a lot of negativity in society, says the Christian Democrats' Jakob Forssmed.

CUT: See the full feature on sports exercises

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So many proposals about sports have been put forward by the parties

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