Teller Report

Athletics: Mihambo and Weber win the Istaf

9/4/2022, 3:40:59 PM

A single valid attempt is enough to win: Malaika Mihambo once again inspires the Berlin audience. Even javelin thrower Julian Weber can not be defeated.

World champion Malaika Mihambo has once again won the long jump competition at the Berlin Athletics Meeting Istaf.

The Olympic champion won on Sunday with 6.92 meters in the first attempt, her only valid jump.

Mihambo then missed two attempts, three were invalid.

At the European Championship, the 28-year-old from LG Kurpfalz had to admit defeat to Serbian Ivana Vuleta after a corona infection.

The World Championships second and Olympic bronze medalist Ese Brume from Nigeria came in second in Berlin with 6.78 meters ahead of Briton Jazmin Sawyers.

The EM third jumped 6.69 meters.

In the javelin throw, European champion Julian Weber was clearly the best.

The Mainzer, who lives in Berlin, won with 84.90 meters.

European decathlon champion Niklas Kaul finished eighth with 71.34 meters.

Weber's team-mate in Mainz had recently shown his great strength in the javelin throw while catching up to the European Championship title.