Teller Report

The Interview - Thierry Vimal, father of a victim of the Nice attack: "You shouldn't expect anything from the trial"

9/2/2022, 11:46:08 AM

This Monday opens the trial of the Nice attack, which caused the death of 86 people and injured more than 400 on July 14, 2016. Karim Hakiki receives Thierry Vimal, father of one of the victims – Friend, elderly …

This Monday opens the trial of the Nice attack, which caused the death of 86 people and injured more than 400 on July 14, 2016. Karim Hakiki receives Thierry Vimal, father of one of the victims – Friend, elderly 12 at the time of the attack – and a writer.

For the author of "19 tons" and "In respect of the suffering endured" (ed. Le Cherche midi, 2019 and 2022), the trial before the special assize court of Paris promises to be "fairly empty": "If we want to be wise, we should not expect anything from it."

Despite everything, Thierry Vimal hopes that he can "help people to repair themselves".