Teller Report

Morfydd Clark, the new lady of light that shines in 'The Rings of Power'

9/2/2022, 5:04:09 PM

MORFYDD: Learn this last name, because a star is born. Like most of her co-stars in & apos; The Rings of Power & apos ;, the expected and…

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MORFYDD: Learn this last name, because a star is born.

Like most of her co-stars in

'Rings of Power'

, the long-awaited multimillion-dollar Amazon series based on the JRR Tolkien universe, Morfydd Clark is unknown to the general public.

But her vigorous interpretation of the elven heroine Galadriel (lady of light in the Sindarin language) promises to immediately catapult this

32-year-old Welsh actress

, for whom even her mythological name -read moorfed, roughly- seems to be propitious in this adventure of (at least ) five seasons that he has just started.

His is a very different version, more youthful and fighting, of the character embodied with majestic dignity by

Cate Blanchett

in 'The Lord of the Rings'.

Clark's Galadriel traverses the centuries of the Second Age of the Sun, prior to the time of the film trilogy, seeking to avenge Sauron's death of his older brother.

The forces of evil have long been defeated, and Middle-earth is experiencing a long period of peace, but Galadriel does not rest in pursuit of the dark lord whose existence only she seems to believe.

"What if the other commanders are right and our enemy no longer exists?" her soldiers protest.

But the fearless elf is willing to defy the orders of High King Gil-Galad (played by Benjamin Walker) to find and combat her sinister antagonist.


The new and powerful warrior dimension of Galadriel, which takes on a role equivalent to that which Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) could have in Peter Jackson's films, is part of the effort of JD Payne and Patrick McKay, the showrunners of 'The Rings of Power' , for making

an inclusive series

adjusted to the spirit of the moment, where

strong female characters

and racial diversity fit -represented by the elf Arondir of the Puerto Rican Ismael Cruz Córdova, or by Míriel, the regent queen of Númenor, to whom he gives life Ghanaian-born actress Cynthia Addai-Robinson.

All this without distorting the universe of The Lord of the Rings.

Seen the first two chapters, fidelity to the cause seems guaranteed: newcomers Payne and McKay are two fans of the saga, experts in Tolkien's poetic metrics and even capable of writing the dialogues of the various towns that appear with different rhythmic structures. in the series.

Unlike Payne and McKay, Morfydd Clark

hadn't even read Tolkien's books when she was cast in the role

of Galadriel.

A path marked by theater

Born in Sweden

in 1990 to a Welsh mother and a Scottish father,

she moved with her family to Great Britain when she was just two years old


She grew up in Cardiff, where she had to deal with the consequences of dyslexia aggravated by attention deficit disorder from an early age.

"She lacked confidence, she felt like she wasn't doing anything right," Clark told The Guardian in 2017, when she was just starting to break out on the British scene.

At only 16 years old, he left his studies, but

the theater will mark the path for him to follow.

He managed to enter the Welsh National Youth Company, and later continued his training at the prestigious and now defunct Drama Center London.

In her first professional role, a premonition of the one that she promises to consecrate her worldwide, she played Blodeuwedd, Flowery Face, a character from Welsh mythology.

Since then she has been performing competently in the demanding theater scene of her country, representing Juliet or giving the replica to the double Oscar winner Glenda Jackson in a production of 'King Lear' at the Old Vic.


jump to the movies

In 2014, she made the leap to cinema, participating in the version of Madame Bovary directed by Sophie Barthes and starring Mia Wasikowska.

The Falling



and Friendship


Pride and Prejudice




The Man Who Invented Christmas


The Incredible Story of David Copperfield

and the HBO series


Materials followed .


her takeoff came with

Saint Maud


, an acclaimed film in which she gives life to a pious nurse obsessed with saving the soul of a terminal patient.

A job that earned her, among other awards, the

BAFTA 2021 for the best Welsh actress of the year

and placed her among the British performers of the moment.

Embarked on the overwhelming presentation tour of the most expensive series in history, Clark

has in her portfolio, among other projects

, the role of Ophelia in a new film version of Hamlet.

But before her, in October, she will meet again with her companions from

The Rings of Power

, with whom she has forged a close relationship -confinement caught them in New Zealand in the middle of filming-, to film the second season.

His face will then be well known and admired by millions of viewers who have been waiting years to devour this new immersion in the fantasy world created by Tolkien.

MORFYDD: learn his name.

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