Teller Report

A water crisis, a nuclear war, and a return to the Stone Age... Who is the Arab scientist whose predictions have been fulfilled to the letter?

9/2/2022, 4:46:07 PM

The global heat wave sent the Chinese into the air-conditioned corridors of metro stations, to spend the night in peace with the temperature exceeding 42 degrees Celsius, and with it the rivers dried up before others.

And the “Above Power” program continued, “China makes everything” stops at certain limits. In 2024, the water crisis will generate global wars, with which all human achievements in technology will disappear.

However, the upcoming wars of extermination were not determined by NASA, but rather the late Kuwaiti astronomer Saleh Al-Ajiri, who was recently 101 years old, as he predicted this in a press interview conducted with him previously.

Since 2005, Al-Ajiri has stated some predictions that will happen in the coming years. He said at the time that in the year 2024, the land will witness drought and crises over the waters of the rivers.

The year 2024 witnesses a water crisis, then war, and then a return to the Stone Age.

Al-Ajiri explained that countries will fight over water and a nuclear war will erupt, which will block sunlight and return to the Stone Age.

The strange thing is that the predictions of this scientist almost occur today, literally.

A report submitted by the United Nations Food Program is almost an appendix to Al-Ojairi’s interview with the numbers, as 345 million people face the risk of acute food insecurity, about 828 million sleep hungry every night and 50 million are teetering in 45 countries on the brink of famine, amid expectations that this number will increase even more due to Climate change and conflict.

On the other hand, the “Russia Today” network mentions statements by President Vladimir Putin made 4 years ago about the cases in which he will use nuclear bombs, in which he says, “This means that the decision to use nuclear bombs can only be implemented in the event and times of warheads falling on Russian soil, and this The so-called response to a counterstrike, that is, if someone decides to destroy Russia."

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