Teller Report

Varberg Energi's call: Have SEK 50,000 as a buffer for high electricity bills

9/1/2022, 11:39:33 PM

After soaring electricity prices, Varberg Energi warns of a tough winter. Customers, who live in a villa, are asked to be prepared with a buffer of SEK 50,000 to be able to afford it. "It is good to talk to your bank already now," writes Varberg Energi in a newsletter.

According to the company, electricity consumers in southern Sweden can count on a variable electricity price that is three to four times as high as last winter.

Monthly invoices that last year landed at 5,000 - 10,000 can this winter be at 15,000 - 40,000 kroner, according to the newsletter from Varberg Energi.

Reducing the indoor temperature is highlighted as an effective way to reduce costs.

The newspaper GT was the first to report on the news.