Teller Report

Two students sue institute for 'teacher's mother tongue'

9/1/2022, 10:03:45 PM

The two students filed a lawsuit before the Abu Dhabi Family, Civil and Administrative Claims Court, requesting to oblige the Language Teaching Institute to pay an amount of 9,000 dirhams and the legal interest at 12%, and to oblige it to pay fees and expenses, noting that they paid the amount of the claim as registration fees at the institute for education.

Two students sue institute for 'teacher's mother tongue'

Abu Dhabi Court rejected the case for not providing evidence.


The two students filed a lawsuit before the Abu Dhabi Family Court for Civil and Administrative Claims, requesting to oblige the Language Teaching Institute to pay an amount of 9,000 dirhams and the legal interest at 12%, and to oblige it to pay fees and expenses, noting that they paid the amount of the claim as registration fees at the institute to participate in an English language course, and concluded The contracts were communicated to them orally that the teacher will be from a country whose mother tongue is English, and they discovered at the beginning of the course that the teacher’s primary language is not English, which affects the dialect and the way of learning pronunciation. For their claim, a photocopy of conversations through the social networking program “WhatsApp” and a copy of the commercial license of the defendant.

In the ruling, the court stated that the plaintiffs were requesting a refund of 9,000 dirhams in exchange for joining a course at the institute. With this request, they were aiming to order the termination of the training contract required by the ruling by refunding the price they had paid.

The court pointed out that the decision, according to the Civil Transactions Law, that the agreement under which both contracting parties or one of them undertake to conclude a specific contract in the future does not take place unless all the essential issues of the contract to be concluded and the period that must be concluded are specified.

She indicated that the papers did not prove the plaintiffs’ requirement or the defendant’s pledge that the course teacher be from an English-speaking country, and that the contract between them was a “registration form” that did not indicate that, and since the contract is the law of the contracting parties, and the plaintiffs’ statements were sent in this regard, the court ruled The case was dismissed, and the plaintiffs were obligated to pay fees and expenses.

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