Teller Report

Madagascar: the European Union electoral monitoring mission reiterates its recommendations

9/1/2022, 8:28:06 PM

The report of the European Union's electoral monitoring mission deplores “the lack of reform of the electoral legal framework”. The majority of its recommendations presented after the presidential...

Madagascar: the European Union electoral monitoring mission reiterates its recommendations

The EU electoral monitoring mission raises in its report several “worrying points” in view of the 2023 elections (illustration image) GIANLUIGI GUERCIA / AFP

Text by: Laetitia Bezain Follow

3 mins

The report of the European Union's electoral monitoring mission deplores “

 the lack of reform of the electoral legal framework


The majority of its recommendations presented after the 2018 presidential election requiring " 

legislative or constitutional reform, have not been fully implemented 

", she reports.

Recommendations which concern, in particular, the empowerment of the Ceni, the guarantees of freedom of expression and of the press and the control of the financing of political life. 


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With our correspondent in Antananarivo, 

The monitoring mission which traveled to the Big Island in April and May 2022 insists, among other things, on the lack of financial independence of the Ceni.

It recommends a modification of the legal framework to confer on it the status of an institution in its own right.

For the time being, " 

the Ceni's dependence on the executive calls into question its ability to organize and manage elections



 say the authors of this report.

They also note the absence of a budget in the initial 2022 finance law to allow the overhaul of the electoral register.

A file often disputed during previous elections, recalls the electoral monitoring mission.

The appointment of the President of the Electoral Commission, husband of the Minister of Labor, also created " 

a climate of suspicion which endangers the image of Ceni 

because of its apparent proximity to the government

 ", continues the monitoring mission. the European Union.


Although respecting the legal prescriptions on the appointment of the president of the Ceni, this appointment does not contribute to reinforcing the image of independence of the Ceni with the various actors of the electoral process


she underlines.


We must not confuse the individual who constitutes the Ceni and the structure of the Ceni, and even the entities represented by the members of the Ceni

 ”, reacts Soava Andriamarotafika, its general rapporteur, reached by telephone, who underlines that


the law protects independence


of this organ



We, the nine members of Ceni, are proud to be independent.

There are no constraints or pressures and even if there were pressures, it is up to us to respect our commitment

 ,” he continues.


The amending finance law must provide funding to the Ceni for the overhaul of the electoral register.

In next year's initial finance law, there will also be headings which stipulate the financing of the overhaul of this file



 he says.

The High Constitutional Court, a court responsible in particular for ruling on electoral disputes, suffers " 

from the same image deficit

 ", considers the report, the president of this institution being


reputed to be close to power



The latter held the post of Minister of the Interior under the Transition chaired by Andry Rajoelina.


The absence of an independent media regulatory body, the concentration of media ownership, the self-censorship of journalists, the Senate dominated by the presidential movement following a controversial reform as well as the boycott of the elections by the opposition, the absence of limits and effective control of the financing of political campaigns are points of concern for the monitoring mission

 ”, also indicates the report of the electoral monitoring mission of the European Union.  

For the latter, reforms


strengthening the transparency, inclusiveness and credibility of the electoral process


can still be put in place before the various elections.


The 2022 parliamentary sessions offer a good opportunity to trigger inclusive and peaceful consultations in order to achieve these objectives, in particular the effective financial independence of the Ceni

 ”, she specifies.


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  • Madagascar

  • European Union