Teller Report

China imposes quarantine on 20 million people in Chengdu

9/1/2022, 10:05:22 PM

Yesterday, more than 20 million people entered a quarantine in the city of Chengdu in southwest China, at a time when the country faced an increase in infections with the Corona virus “Covid-19”. China continues to follow a strict health strategy, despite the fact that the rates of infection with "Covid-19" are low on its soil compared to other countries

Because of the increase in “Corona” injuries

China imposes quarantine on 20 million people in Chengdu

It is semi-compulsory to conduct “Covid-19” examinations every 72 or 48 hours in Chengdu.


Yesterday, more than 20 million people entered a quarantine in the city of Chengdu in southwest China, at a time when the country faced an increase in infections with the Corona virus “Covid-19”.

China continues to follow a strict health strategy, despite the fact that the rates of infection with "Covid-19" are low on its territory compared to other countries.

This policy is implemented by imposing several general closures when detecting cases of “Covid-19”, and conducting semi-compulsory examinations every 72, 48 or even 24 hours, in addition to imposing quarantine and sudden closure of factories and companies.

Chengdu, one of the largest cities in China, recorded 157 new cases of "Covid-19", yesterday.

The authorities have ordered tests to be carried out on the approximately 20 million people, in order to contain the spread of the virus.

The Chengdu municipality said that everyone should "remain in their homes" as of yesterday afternoon, without specifying the period of application of this measure.

And each family will be able to send one person per day abroad, to do shopping and to purchase basic goods, provided that a negative result is presented from a PCR examination conducted less than 24 hours ago.

For weeks, China has been facing a limited epidemiological spread in terms of the number of infections, but it affects a large number of Chinese regions.

The public return to schools and universities has been postponed in at least 10 cities and regions, according to the official press.

The situation is similar in the city of Xinjiang, which has 2.5 million people, and is the capital of the vast province of Qinghai bordering Tibet (west).

In the southern city of Shenzhen, bordering Hong Kong, the authorities announced, yesterday, the imposition of new nighttime restrictions in the Nanshan district, where the headquarters of many large local technology companies, such as Tencent for video games and ZTE for communications, are located.

And local authorities announced in a statement that entertainment venues such as bars, cinemas and karaoke bars had received an order to close.

Nanshan residents must also present a negative result from a PCR test conducted less than 24 hours ago, before entering their housing complex.

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