Teller Report

Chad: police arrest 84 activists of opposition party Les Transformateurs

9/1/2022, 9:39:31 PM

This Thursday morning, several caravans of the political formation Les Transformateurs, which were traveling through the city to call for a meeting on Saturday, were intercepted by the police for disturbing the order...

Chad: police arrest 84 activists of opposition party Les Transformateurs

Success Masra, president of the opposition party Les Transformateurs, in Ndjamena on May 3, 2021. © ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP

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1 min

This Thursday morning, several caravans of the political formation Les Transformateurs, which were traveling through the city to call for a meeting on Saturday, were intercepted by the police for disturbing public order.

The situation ended up degenerating. 


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With our correspondent in Ndjamena,

Madjiasra Nako

The national police indicate on their Facebook page that they have arrested 84 Transformers activists who paraded without authorization in the city center for disturbing public order and gathering not authorized by the Ministry of Public Security.

Those arrested are in the hands of the security services for investigation.

On its Facebook page, the opposition party denounces these arrests which it considers unfair, before demanding the unconditional release of its activists.

In its text, the Success Masra party indicates that “

the time for the intimidation of Chadians is over


The party, which has boycotted the inclusive national dialogue since its opening two weeks ago, assures that it is maintaining its meeting next Saturday, as it has done for three weeks.


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