Teller Report

Players leave Russia - a boost for the CHL: "Raises the level"

8/30/2022, 4:03:42 PM

A new season of the Champions Hockey League begins on Thursday. Due to the fact that many foreign players have left the Russian-based KHL, it will be the most high-quality to date. - It will raise the CHL further, says Frölunda's four-time coach Roger Rönnberg to SVT Sport.

There has been talk of a good edition of the SHL due to many foreign stars leaving the KHL after Russia invaded Ukraine.

But this also applies to the other top leagues in Europe.

Thus, the international tournament CHL will also benefit greatly from the flight of players from Russia.

- It will be automatic that most of them end up in other leagues around Europe.

Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and Finland.

It is clear that it raises the level of those leagues, but especially the CHL where the best teams are involved, says Frölunda star Max Friberg.

- It will raise the CHL further.

That there are many talented players coming out in Europe.

I am convinced of that.

Luleå's assistant coach Henrik Stridh agrees with the Frölunda duo, but had hoped that even fewer had stayed in the KHL.

- Unfortunately, some seem to remain playing in the KHL, but it is clear that there have been players of high quality in Europe.

Hopefully even more will choose not to play in the KHL and then the status of the CHL will be even higher, he says.

The Swiss league has increased the number of permitted import players from four to six ahead of the coming season.

This means that the top teams from there can be counted on in the CHL.

- They should bring in higher quality players, but then you have to get it together as a team.

It is clear that all of us Swedish teams participating in the tournament hope that the dent stays in Sweden, says Stridh.

Six of the seven years a dent has been awarded, it has been won by a Swedish team.

The only exception is Finnish JYP who won the 2017-2018 season.

SVT broadcasts from the CHL and starts with Frölunda against Czech Mountfield on Thursday.