Teller Report

Nord Stream pumping will be stopped from August 31 to September 3

8/30/2022, 3:03:47 PM

Gas pumping through Nord Stream will not be carried out from 04:00 Moscow time on August 31 to 04:00 Moscow time on September 3 due to the repair of the gas pumping unit.

This is reported by TASS with reference to the notification of Gazprom on the Seeburger information platform.

It is noted that, according to the data of Nord Stream AG, which is the operator of Gazprom, there has been no nomination for gas transportation since 03:00 Moscow time on August 31.

On August 19, Gazprom announced that on August 31, the only operating Trent 60 gas compressor unit at the Portovaya compressor station would be shut down for three days for maintenance and preventive maintenance.

Upon completion of work and the absence of technical malfunctions of the unit, gas transportation will be restored to the level of 33 million cubic meters.

m per day.