Teller Report

Ministry of Civil Affairs: 7.643 million marriages in 2021

8/30/2022, 8:27:48 AM

Judging from the age distribution of the registered marriage population in 2021, the 25-29 age group is the largest, with 5.393 million; the 30-34 age group is the second, with 3.052 million; the 40-year-old age group is 2.979 million, 20- There were 2.529 million in the 24-year-old group and 1.332 million in the 35-39-year-old group.

  China News Service, August 30th. The "2021 Civil Affairs Development Statistical Bulletin" recently released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs shows that in 2021, there will be a total of 4,372 marriage registration institutions and venues in the country, of which 1,069 marriage registration institutions will handle marriage in accordance with the law throughout the year. 7.643 million pairs were registered, down 6.1% from the previous year.

The marriage rate was 5.4 per thousand, down 0.4 thousand points from the previous year.

2.839 million pairs of divorce procedures were handled in accordance with the law, a decrease of 34.6% over the previous year.

  Judging from the age distribution of the registered marriage population in 2021, the 25-29 age group is the largest, with 5.393 million; the 30-34 age group is the second, with 3.052 million; the 40-year-old age group is 2.979 million, 20- There were 2.529 million in the 24-year-old group and 1.332 million in the 35-39-year-old group.

(Zhongxin Finance)

Bulletin screenshot

