Teller Report

Maximum tension in Las Rozas: the players of the national team ask the coach, Jorge Vilda, to leave

8/30/2022, 3:34:38 PM

The hours pass very tense in the Ciudad del Fútbol of Las Rozas, where the senior women's team prepares the matches against Hungary (day 2) and Ukraine (day 6) of the phase...

The hours pass very tense in the Ciudad del Fútbol of Las Rozas, where the senior women's team prepares the matches against


(day 2) and


(day 6) of the qualifying phase for the 2023 World Cup. footballers, led by the captains (

Patri Guijarro, Irene Paredes and Alexia Putellas,

absent from this call due to injury) have asked for two things.

1. They asked

Luis Rubiales

, by phone, to fire the coach,

Jorge Vilda


2. They asked Vilda himself to resign on Monday.

The first of the petitions, advanced by

El Confidencial

, obtained a negative response from the president of the Federation.

The second also received a

negative response

, as the coach, recently renewed for the next two years, told the girls that he had no intention of resigning.

This is a case with

few precedents in the (known) history of football


That a group of professionals directly ask the coach to resign is still something exotic, as it was at the time that some of these same players participated in the request for the dismissal of Lluís Cortés, former Barcelona coach, at the end of the 2020/2021 season, where the team won the treble.

As with Rubiales, Laporta was called in to fire the coach in a curious

modus operandi


And what are the arguments?

The soccer players (who represent a large part of the internationals, but not all) argue that the training sessions are old, that modern methods are not applied that could make them a better team and that the personal treatment with some of them does not It's appropriate.

There is no type of harmony between Vilda and the hard core of the players, that is a reality that they assume in Las Rozas

, where they already prayed in June so that the professionals would not back down in signing the bonuses for the European Championship.

The faces of the players in that act, seen today, are much better understood.

The absence of questions from the press, too.

Speaking of faces, those of the girls and the coach during the tribute ceremony for the U20 world champions that took place this Tuesday at the Ciudad del Fútbol were a poem.

While the academy players could not have been happier, the elders and their coach barely concealed the tremendous tension that is chewed between the four walls of the residence, which on Monday attended, silent, more than three hours of meeting between Vilda and the captains (with the participation, through mobile video calls, of other important soccer players), to Vilda's own face-to-face meetings with some of them, to a quite tense staff meeting...

Rubiales, who arrived this Tuesday with the U20 world champions,

is quite clear that his bet for the bench is Vilda, and he has no intention of dismissing

him (it should be stressed that he was renewed for two years this summer).

What the president will try is to mediate between the two parties, although it does not seem likely that this will be fixed.

At the moment, these days in Las Rozas pass without a press agenda for the selection.

At least next Friday, the day before the first game against Hungary, the coach will speak.

If it is that before everything has not been definitely broken.

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