Teller Report

A company staff member was fined for delaying the reporting of positive results due to negligence

8/30/2022, 3:27:52 AM reported on its China website on August 30 that recently, Jilin Aidikang Medical Laboratory Co., Ltd. was warned and fined 50,000 yuan by the Changchun New District Health Bureau.   The illegal facts show that the company's positive tube code was pasted incorrectly, which led to the incorrect reporting of nucleic acid test results; the negligence of staff led to the delay in repor reported on its China website on August 30 that recently, Jilin Aidikang Medical Laboratory Co., Ltd. was warned and fined 50,000 yuan by the Changchun New District Health Bureau.

  The illegal facts show that the company's positive tube code was pasted incorrectly, which led to the incorrect reporting of nucleic acid test results; the negligence of staff led to the delay in reporting 1 positive result; the failure to implement the medical quality and safety management system as required violated the "Medical Laboratory Experiments". Interim Measures for Office Management, Regulations on the Prevention and Handling of Medical Disputes, and Measures for the Administration of Monitoring Information Reporting of Public Health Emergencies and Infectious Disease Epidemic Situations.

(Zhongxin Finance)

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