Teller Report

The exchange rate exceeded 1,350 won... 'Warning sound' of rising domestic prices

8/29/2022, 11:45:24 AM

The exchange rate has surpassed 1,350 won for the first time in 13 years. This is because there is news that the US will continue to raise interest rates, but the problem is that if the dollar price continues to rise like this, the price of importing goods will also rise and our prices will become more expensive.


The exchange rate has surpassed 1,350 won for the first time in 13 years.

This is because there is news that the US will continue to raise interest rates, but the problem is that if the dollar price continues to rise like this, the price of importing goods will also rise and our prices will become more expensive.

Reporter Im Tae-woo reports.

<Reporter> The

dollar started jumping over 10 won from the start of trading at 9 am.

After 12 noon, it broke through to 1,350 won, and ended up trading at 1,350.4 won, up close to 20 won in one day.

This is the highest level since the 2009 financial crisis.

The stock fell more than 2%.

The aftermath came in the wake of Friday's stronger-than-expected remarks from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's stronger-than-expected remarks on Friday.

"We are very focused on getting inflation back to 2%," Powell said last month, from 8.5%.

[Max Wolf / CEO of an American investment company: The fear of inflation seems to have reached a kind of panic.

However, since interest rates have been low for a long time and are still very low, the US Fed will actively consider a 0.75 percentage point increase and its timing.] The

problem is that this steep rise in the dollar is a factor that drives up import prices and stimulates domestic prices. .

The government's prediction that inflation will peak around October after Chuseok is over will be wrong, and the BOK's base rate hike may be even bigger.

There is also a risk of speculation.

[Moon Jeong-hee / KB Kookmin Bank Senior Research Fellow: The exchange rate itself has risen by almost 150 won compared to the beginning of the year.

Even now, psychological factors for buying the dollar are quite strong because of psychological anxiety.

If we look at it that way, I think that speculative demand will also rise.]

The government held an unscheduled meeting and issued a message of stabilizing the exchange rate, but it failed to calm market unrest.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho, video editing: Park Chun-bae)

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