Teller Report

Putin: the path to a multipolar world will be the main theme of the WEF in 2022

8/29/2022, 4:21:47 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the participants, organizers and guests of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum, which is being held in Vladivostok from 5 to 8 September. The head of state noted that the forum enjoys high international prestige and contributes to building business ties between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

As the Russian president added, the WEF actively contributes to attracting investment flows and technological innovations, as well as to more fully unlock the rich economic and social potential of the Russian Far East.

“The main topic of this year's meeting - "On the way to a multipolar world" - seems to be very relevant and significant.

The obsolete unipolar model is being replaced by a new world order based on the fundamental principles of justice and equality, recognizing the right of every state and people to their own sovereign path of development,” Vladimir Putin said.

It is in the Asia-Pacific region that powerful political and economic centers are being formed, he stressed.

Thus, during the event, domestic and foreign politicians and entrepreneurs will discuss a wide range of issues related to the prospects for deepening trade, investment, scientific and humanitarian cooperation.

“It is important that during the Forum it is planned to conclude commercial contracts and long-term agreements with the participation of business circles and regional authorities,” the Russian President said.

He wished the forum participants successful and fruitful work.

Earlier, the full business program of the Eastern Economic Forum became known.

More than 90 business events are planned at the forum.

Over 330 speakers and moderators are expected.