Teller Report

National Development and Reform Commission: All localities actively take action to curb "sky-high" moon cakes

8/29/2022, 12:03:04 PM

China News Service, August 29. According to the National Development and Reform Commission's news on the 29th, recently, the development and reform departments of various regions have moved quickly, and together with the departments of industry and information technology, commerce, and market supervision, they have continued to carry out policy publicity, market inspections, reminders, and super

  China News Service, August 29. According to the National Development and Reform Commission's news on the 29th, recently, the development and reform departments of various regions have moved quickly, and together with the departments of industry and information technology, commerce, and market supervision, they have continued to carry out policy publicity, market inspections, reminders, and supervision. Rectification, and resolutely curb the "high price" moon cakes.

  The first is to strengthen policy publicity.

Shanghai launched mooncake market supervision policy publicity through multiple channels, held key enterprise policy publicity meetings, and publicized the requirements of the "Announcement" to nearly 300 member units through industry associations.

Shanxi Province strengthened the publicity and interpretation of relevant policies, and organized mooncake manufacturers to hold quality and safety commitment activities.

Jilin Province has deployed key cities to strengthen policy publicity, supervision and guidance for moon cake sales companies, and clarify relevant requirements.

  The second is to strengthen market inspections.

Beijing has launched a city-wide inspection of the mooncake market, and arranged for special personnel to regularly monitor the sales price of mooncakes on the online platform.

Chongqing has selected more than 80 guesthouses, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. as price monitoring points, and continued to monitor the market price of moon cakes.

Tianjin has strengthened market inspections, and will hand over some supermarkets and specialty stores to the relevant departments for verification and investigation.

  The third is to remind and warn in a timely manner.

Jiangsu Province carried out special rectification actions for "high-priced" moon cakes and excessive packaging of commodities, carried out special inspections on the production, processing, and sales of moon cakes, and reminded relevant operators of policies by means of letters and interviews, urging operators to fulfill the price Commitment, good price self-discipline.

Shandong Province issued a warning letter to operators on the spot during market inspections, reminding them of violations of the relevant requirements of the Announcement.

Anhui Province organized relevant chambers of commerce and associations to hold reminders and warning meetings to play a leading role in the industry and urge operators to consciously abide by the "Announcement" and related regulations.

  The fourth is to strictly supervise rectification.

In response to media reports on the suspected tying of moon cake gift boxes in some hotels, Fujian Province established a law enforcement investigation team to conduct on-site inspections at the hotels involved, urging them to remove related products and advertisements, and make rectifications as required.

Hainan Province organized a surprise inspection of catering enterprises, high-end hotels, and large supermarkets selling moon cakes, focusing on checking whether the packaging complies with the mandatory terms in the national standard, whether there is mixed packaging of other commodities, the number of packaging layers exceeds the standard, and the use of precious metals and mahogany materials. , packaging costs exceeding the standard and other violations of laws and regulations.

Guangdong Province and Shandong Province have investigated boxed mooncakes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan, and have urged merchants to remove some of them that do not meet regulatory requirements.

(Zhongxin Finance)

