Teller Report

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade: The container shipping market is no longer "hard to find"

8/29/2022, 8:21:07 AM

China News Service, August 29. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) held a regular press conference on the 29th. In response to the question of "whether the problems of rising shipping freight rates and lack of containers and containers reported by foreign trade companies have been alleviated", Sun Xiao, spokesperson of the China Council for the Promotion of Internation

  China News Service, August 29. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) held a regular press conference on the 29th.

In response to the question of "whether the problems of rising shipping freight rates and lack of containers and containers reported by foreign trade companies have been alleviated", Sun Xiao, spokesperson of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Secretary-General of the China Chamber of International Commerce, said that as far as we know, companies reported that some popular routes The freight rate has dropped, and the container shipping market is no longer "hard to find".

  According to Sun Xiao, a recent survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade on more than 500 enterprises showed that the main difficulties facing enterprises are slow logistics, high costs and few orders.

56% of companies said that raw material prices and logistics costs are high. For example, although the freight rate of ocean shipping routes has fallen in the short term, it is still at a high level in the medium and long term.

62.5% of the companies indicated that orders were unstable, with more short orders and small orders, and fewer long orders and large orders.

The demands of enterprises mainly focus on maintaining the stability and smoothness of international and domestic logistics, implementing bailout and assistance policies, and facilitating cross-border personnel exchanges.

Some companies are looking forward to resuming domestic exhibitions and opening overseas exhibitions to obtain more orders.

  Sun Xiao mentioned that during the survey, we also noticed some positive factors. In the past three months, as the domestic epidemic has been effectively controlled, especially the accelerated implementation of the national economic stabilization package, foreign trade imports and exports have stabilized and rebounded. Confidence is gradually improving.

  Sun Xiao said that in the next step, we will closely follow, study and judge the new trends of foreign trade enterprises, and implement the new results of the relief policy to help enterprises.

(Zhongxin Finance)