Teller Report

In sparring mode: Gassiev knocked out Welch in the first round for a third heavyweight victory

8/27/2022, 6:20:18 AM

Murat Gassiev turned out to be stronger than Carlos Welch at the tournament in Serbia and won the belt of the champion of the Eurasian Professional Boxing Federation. It took the Russian only 95 seconds to knock out the American. After the very first right side, which came exactly to the temple, the opponent was on the floor. Along the way, a native of North Ossetia won the third early victory in a row in the heavyweight division.

Murat Gassiev approached the fight with Carlos Welch in the status of one of the main disappointments of domestic boxing.

In just four years, he went from holding two championship belts in the cruiserweight division to faltering attempts to gain a foothold in the heavyweight.

The unification fight with Oleksandr Usyk in 2018 seemed to be a black mark for Iron.

If the Ukrainian has since beaten Anthony Joshua twice and turned into one of the greatest athletes in the world of martial arts, then the Russian has had a couple of frankly passing fights.

First, almost two years after losing to Usik, he defeated the Albanian veteran Nuri Seferi in just over a minute.

Then, in the fourth round, another age and not the most famous Michael Wallisch was knocked out.

After that, a native of North Ossetia had the opportunity to meet with a much more dangerous Ukrainian Andrei Rudenko and even Croat Filip Hrgovic for the status of a contender for the IBF title.

But they had to be abandoned due to a broken arm.

As a result, Murat returned to the ring only in August.

And the level of his opponent again raised big questions.

Firstly, an experienced athlete was again chosen - the American turned 42 in April. Secondly, he began his professional career only in 2017.

Thirdly, despite a solid record (21 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw), he met with athletes of an even lower level.

However, Gassiev was not embarrassed by this and he considered the duel in Serbia as an intermediate stage.

“I'm looking forward to it ... Unfortunately, an unfortunate hand injury did not allow me to fight in Sochi with Rudenko.

The new opponent deserves respect.

Welch is an experienced and good boxer with a good track record and a set punch.

But I have my trump cards, the main task is to prepare well and be in perfect physical condition, ”the Russian emphasized.

The same was said by his promoter Alexey Avsetsin, according to whom, it was important for the 28-year-old ex-world champion to prove himself in this fight in order to continue to receive good offers.

“We have a tight schedule, we have planned several meetings that we will organize.

But now it is necessary, with God's help, to conduct a worthy current battle.

And, accordingly, after we will announce new plans and names of rivals, ”the manager noted.

No one doubted that the Russian is the 100% favorite of the confrontation, but few would have thought that it would end so quickly.

Perhaps more problems for Iron were delivered not even by an opponent, but by the slippery surface of the ring.

Keeping his balance in battle was not so easy.

However, the ex-world champion resigned himself to this, while the American wrapped his shoes with tape.

However, this did not stop Gassiev from winning one of the easiest victories in his career.

Welch immediately went into a deaf defense, covering his head with a block.

Carlos was clearly afraid of powerful shots from a young opponent.

At first, he groped for distance, throwing neat warm-up blows.

But the first serious one ended in a knockout.

After a straight to the body and the crushing right side to the temple that followed, the outcome of the fight was a foregone conclusion.

To the honor of the veteran, he tried to continue the fight and even got to his feet, but the judge decided that the athlete from the United States was not ready to fight.

Yes, he himself, there was a feeling, was delighted with this outcome and that he would not have to miss more blows from the Ossetian puncher.

Murat first thanked his opponent, and then went to receive congratulations from members of his team.

However, he seemed not happy with such a quick stop, because the Russian spent only 95 seconds in the ring.

On the one hand, one can be glad that the domestic boxer quickly solved the problem without suffering the slightest damage, and won a third victory by knockout in the heavyweight division.

On the other hand, after the end of the fight with Welch, Iron's promoters once again had questions.

Surprisingly, in the new category, he was selected exclusively for age inferior opponents in the class, of which only Wallisch lasted more than a round with him.

In total, in the four years that have passed since the defeat from Usyk, Gassiev did not spend even seven.

The “bag diet” has clearly dragged on.

I would like to believe that in the next fight Murat will finally meet a stronger athlete and demonstrate his readiness to compete in heavyweight at the highest level.

The Russian still has enough time, in October he will be only 29 years old.