Teller Report

Activists in the Bundesliga: protest action ensures a break in the top game in Munich

8/27/2022, 6:20:05 PM

The game between FC Bayern and Borussia Mönchengladbach is briefly interrupted in the first half. 'Last Generation' climate activists cause incident at the gates.

A protest action by climate activists of the "last generation" led to the brief interruption of FC Bayern's top Bundesliga game against Borussia Mönchengladbach on Saturday evening.

In the early stages, the stadium stewards led people off the field who ran to the two goals scored by Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer and Yann Sommer.

It seemed as if they wanted to attach themselves to the goalposts.

In a press release, the “Last Generation” wrote that this happened “to make it clear that the impending climate collapse will not stop at the Germans’ favorite sport”.

According to the information, five people were involved, including three 20-year-olds.

Sky commentator Wolff-Christoph Fuss had read the lettering on the clothing ("Stop the fossil madness") during the incident.

This year, climate activists of the "last generation" have already blocked hundreds of streets nationwide.

Last Thursday, activists glued themselves to a museum picture in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, and on Wednesday to the frame of a large painting in the Städel in Frankfurt.

On Tuesday there was a similar action in the Old Masters Picture Gallery in Dresden.

The activists are demanding that Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) do more to expand renewable energies.