Teller Report

The expert: "Isaak will make things boil in town"

8/26/2022, 1:44:09 PM

Enlisted for a hefty sum. Then the expectations in Newcastle are high for Alexander Isak. - The fans expect a lot, says Lee Ryder who covers Newcastle for the Newcastle Chronicle.

Swedish star striker Alexander Isak is the latest piece of the puzzle in Newcastle's giant investment.

The move from Real Sociedad was confirmed on Friday - and according to pundit Lee Ryder, Newcastle fans are in high spirits.

- They seem really happy.

The price tag (reported to be up to SEK 750 million) is something they will talk about a lot in the pubs here in town.

But this signing will make the town boil.

It always does so in connection with heavy transitions, he says.

"Not delivered enough"

Ryder believes the club will give Isak a lot of confidence on the field.

- If Isak stays healthy, he will probably lead the attack for the rest of the season.

Chris Wood has not delivered enough goals and Callum Wilson is injury prone.

How do you think coach Eddie Howe will use Isak?

- The feeling is that he can test Isak together with Wilson, when he is healthy.

But Howe plays a 4-3-3 formation, so it can be tricky, if he doesn't change the game system or play someone on the edge.

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Alexander Isak.

Photo: BildbyrÄn