Teller Report

Seiya Suzuki 2 hits Multiple hits for the first time in 5 games Major League Cubs

8/26/2022, 1:25:31 AM

[NHK] Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Cubs made a full appearance in the Cardinals match, hit two hits, and marked multiple hits for the first time in five games.

Seiya Suzuki of the Major League Cubs made a full appearance in the Cardinals match, hitting two hits and marking multiple hits for the first time in five games.

Suzuki, who participated in the previous game as a pinch hitter and was a shunned four-ball, started in the match against the Cardinals in his hometown of Chicago on the 25th as No. 3 and right.

In the first at bat of the first inning, he fell to the right fly, but in the second at bat of the third inning, he hit the front of the center with one out and second base, expanding the chance and leading to a score after this.

The third at-bat of the fifth inning was a second grounder.

In the 4th at-bat of the 8th inning, he hit a sharp hit in front of the light from the 1st base with 1 out and hit the 2nd hit, marking multiple hits for the first time in 5 games.

Suzuki had 2 hits in 4 at bats, and his batting average increased to 25%.

The Cubs lost the game 3-8.

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