Teller Report

Man in his 20s shouting "Long live for independence" and throwing furniture on the 9th floor of an apartment building

8/26/2022, 9:07:38 AM

<Oh! Click > Time. A man in his 20s has been arrested by the police for throwing furniture and electronics outside while shouting on the 9th floor veranda of an apartment.


Click > Time.

A man in his 20s has been arrested by the police for throwing furniture and electronics outside while shouting on the 9th floor veranda of an apartment.


Click> The first search term is 'throwing furniture from the 9th floor'.

A man throws something out of a balcony window.

It happened on the 9th floor of a residential and commercial complex in Bongcheon-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul.

Enlarging an image

The man shouted for over an hour and threw away the TV, laptop, computer monitor and fan.

Fortunately, the items fell to the roof of the second floor of the shopping mall and no one was injured.

According to the residents who watched, the man shouted "Long live Korea's independence" while throwing objects believed to be flags while playing music loudly.

The police, who responded to the report, immediately arrested the man as a current offender, determined that there was a risk of self-harm and harm, and took him to emergency hospitalization.

Netizens responded, "I'm glad I fell on the roof of a shopping mall. If it was on the ground... I don't want to imagine it.", "I'm worried that there is no family to take care of me... I'm worried."

(Screen source: online community)