Teller Report

[Exclusive] Sook University students, "Investigate Kim Gun-hee's master's thesis" signature campaign

8/26/2022, 5:37:54 AM

An academic club of Sookmyung Women's University students announced a signature campaign urging the school to respond to the allegations of plagiarism of Kim Gun-hee's master's thesis. This is the first time that current students have directly participated in the controversy.

An academic club of Sookmyung Women's University students announced a signature campaign urging the school to respond to the allegations of plagiarism of Kim Gun-hee's master's thesis.

This is the first time that current students have directly participated in the controversy.

The club plans to hold an offline real-name signature campaign with the Sook University Democratic Alumni Association during the school festival on the 6th and 7th of next month.

The signature campaign will also be conducted online, and the results will be submitted to the school at a later date.

Previously, Sook University completed a preliminary research on Mrs. Kim's master's thesis in March, but has not decided whether to hold the main survey until five months later.

Recently, Sook University's Democratic Alumni Association announced that the plagiarism rate of Mrs. Kim's thesis reached 48.1% as a result of its own investigation, and received a report in the form of asking the school to verify this.

The school is known to have sent only a reply that the investigation will be conducted privately after receiving the report, and that the result will be notified.

Sook University does not currently have a student body, so there has been no gathering of current students to put pressure on the school side.

A representative of Sook University's Democratic Alumni Association said, "We are currently coordinating the exact signature method and content with the club.

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