Teller Report

She threw herself from the ninth floor of the hospital. A Jordanian doctor committed suicide, mourning the death of her mother

8/25/2022, 4:13:16 PM

 Today, Jordanian news sources circulated the news of the suicide of an anesthesiologist resident at the University of Jordan Hospital at 2 am today, Thursday, by throwing herself from the ninth floor.

She threw herself from the ninth floor of the hospital. A Jordanian doctor committed suicide, mourning the death of her mother

 Today, Jordanian news sources circulated the news of the suicide of a female anesthesiologist residing at the University of Jordan Hospital at 2 am today, Thursday, by throwing herself from the ninth floor.

For his part, the President of the University of Jordan Hospital, Dr. Jamal Massad, explained the details of finding the body of Dr. Mirona Asfour, inside the hospital’s campus at dawn today, Thursday.

Massad said, in statements, that at approximately eight thirty in the evening on Wednesday, he lost contact with the deceased doctor, as she was summoned to the operating room to do her work, but no one was able to contact her.

He added that within half an hour of losing contact with the doctor, who works as an anesthesia resident in the hospital about a month and a half ago, everyone started searching for her, and the hospital security and security services were informed of her loss.

An attempt was made to track her through the hospital’s surveillance cameras, and the personal search for her began by the cadres and her co-workers, and the places where she was expected to be examined, until one of the people noticed an object lying on the roof of the radiology building on the ground floor, and it turned out to be the doctor’s body. According to Dr. Jamal Massad.

The director of the hospital continued, "The search continued on the floors, and a table was found on the ninth floor without its location, and on the table top there were shoe marks," explaining that this was at two o'clock in the morning on Thursday.

Massad confirmed that the surveillance cameras do not monitor the location of the table, and therefore the details of what happened did not appear.

He said that the public prosecutor came to the scene of the accident at the hospital, and began the investigation immediately, and the security services attended.

He pointed out that the shift was a problem of 10 colleagues at the moment of the accident, and the doctor was working as an anesthesiologist, who graduated from her university last year.

The director of the hospital confirmed that the accident had nothing to do with the working conditions, as it was apparent to the deceased doctor her love for her work, and her satisfaction to start her working life after graduating from the university, explaining that he did not have any information about other circumstances.

For its part, the family of the late doctor Mirona Asfour called on the media and social media activists to stop circulating rumors about the causes of their daughter's death, calling on everyone to pray for their daughter's mercy and forgiveness.

According to a statement circulating on social media platforms, the family said that it had "received many publications and questions from journalists about the death, and some of what was circulated were pure lies, which increased the family's pain."

In this regard, the family explained that their “dear daughter, Mirona, was suffering from severe depression and sadness after the death of her mother, especially since Mirona was the only daughter of her parents and was very attached to her mother, who died at the end of the year 2020, shortly before her graduation.”

The family pointed out that "despite trying to help their daughter to overcome the state of sadness and depression, the disease managed to overcome her" without denying or confirming the suicide incident.

The family called on journalists and media professionals to "take into account the special circumstances of the family and give them a special space to grieve for their dear daughter, away from rumors, gossip and press interviews."

The statement added: “The family apologizes for receiving any questions or inquiries from the media.”

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