Teller Report

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Inter-provincial team tourism "fuse" areas are further accurate to county areas

8/24/2022, 4:07:05 AM

China News Service, August 24. The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a series of press conferences on the theme of "China's Decade" on August 24, introducing the promotion of high-quality development of culture and tourism in the new era.   Miao Muyang, director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, sai

  China News Service, August 24. The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a series of press conferences on the theme of "China's Decade" on August 24, introducing the promotion of high-quality development of culture and tourism in the new era.

  Miao Muyang, director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said at the press conference that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, together with relevant departments, issued the "Several Policies on Promoting the Recovery and Development of Difficult Industries in the Service Industry" and a series of financial support for the recovery and development of the culture and tourism industries. At the same time, continue to promote the implementation of relief policies such as tax reduction and fee reduction, job stabilization and employment stabilization in the cultural and tourism fields, and enhance the sense of gain for cultural and tourism enterprises.

According to the situation of epidemic prevention and control, we have dynamically adjusted the opening policy of cultural and tourism venues, and further targeted the "circuit breaker" area of ​​inter-provincial team tourism to the county area to promote the safe and orderly recovery of the cultural and tourism market.

Since the second half of this year, the cultural and tourism market has shown a positive recovery trend.

The resilience of cultural tourism enterprises and the hard work of cultural tourism people have been fully demonstrated.

(Zhongxin Finance)

