Teller Report

Embassy: US continues ridiculous accusations against Russia due to food crisis

8/24/2022, 8:07:09 PM

The Russian embassy in the United States commented on the attempts by the US State Department to once again make "ridiculous accusations" against Russia in connection with the crisis in global food markets. The diplomatic mission recalled that Washington's statements are made in violation of the laws of logic and causal relationships and are a stream of "slogans" that have set the teeth on edge with references to some "credible" reports.

“Blocking the export of Ukrainian grain, theft of agricultural products, shelling of merchant ships, the use of global “hunger as a weapon.”

And to top it off, the work allegedly carried out by Moscow together with the PRC on disinformation, ”the Russian embassy listed the examples cited by the American side.

Russian diplomats recalled that the negative processes in the food markets began long before the special military operation in Ukraine.

At the same time, the aggravation of interruptions in agricultural chains in the world occurred with the introduction of "suicidal sanctions" by Western countries, led by the United States, they emphasized.

For example, private companies are still afraid to carry out routine trading operations with Russian economic operators.

This also applies to bans on calls to ports, discrimination in cargo insurance, restrictions on the "posting" of payments.

“It is impossible to talk about the normalization of the situation in the agricultural sector before the restoration of the supply chains of food, fertilizers and raw materials for their production from Russia,” the embassy said.

The Russian side called on Washington to "move from demagogy and empty promises to the real removal of obstacles" on the way to strengthening global food security.

At the same time, the diplomats recalled that the Russian Federation is one of the largest suppliers of food products in the world, and Moscow is interested in stabilizing the markets.

Assistant to the President of Russia for Economic Affairs Maxim Oreshkin previously told RT that the crises observed in the food and fuel markets were the result of mistakes by the United States and Europe.

In particular, the "sanctions madness of the West" in recent months has led to this.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the country remains a responsible participant in the global food market, and the attempts of the West to write off problems in this area as a special military operation are absolutely groundless.

The Foreign Ministry recalled that the jump in prices for agricultural products occurred back in 2020 and "is by no means the result of a special military operation."