Teller Report

Economic strength, scientific and technological strength, comprehensive national strength, leap to a new level

8/24/2022, 1:06:45 AM

China's high-quality economic development is better   Our reporter Liu Zhiqiang   General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "China's economy is a sea", "China's economy is resilient, has great potential, has a wide range of maneuvers, and the fundamentals of long-term improvement will not change."   Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the severe

China's high-quality economic development is better

  Our reporter Liu Zhiqiang

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "China's economy is a sea", "China's economy is resilient, has great potential, has a wide range of maneuvers, and the fundamentals of long-term improvement will not change."

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the severe and complex international situation and the arduous and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has a high-level vision, has a comprehensive overall situation, grasps the general trend, and unites and leads the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to gain a foothold. A new stage of development, implementing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development, leading my country's economic development to achieve historic achievements and historical changes, and move towards higher quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable, A safer path to development.

Steady improvement in economic strength

  Under the impact of the epidemic, the global economy is facing huge challenges, but the Chinese auto industry has bucked the trend and performed outstandingly.

In the first half of this year, the output of new energy vehicles in my country increased by 111.2% year-on-year, and the cumulative export of automobiles was 1.218 million, a year-on-year increase of 47.1%.

  "After years of market tempering, Chinese brand cars have made great progress in quality, technology, supply chain system construction, brand building, etc., which has greatly improved their competitiveness in overseas markets." said Zhu Huarong, the rotating chairman of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

  The development and progress of the automobile industry is a microcosm of China's manufacturing from big to strong and China's economy striding forward.

  It has the most complete and largest industrial system and complete supporting capabilities in the world, with more than 100 million market players and more than 170 million highly educated or professional talents, and 14 people including more than 400 million middle-income groups. The super-large domestic demand market formed by a population of more than 100 million is in the stage of rapid development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization.

  Strength steadily increased.

Since 2012, my country's economic growth rate has reached an average annual rate of 6.5%, ranking among the world's major economies for many consecutive years, becoming a major contributor to world economic growth.

my country's total economic volume will increase from 53.9 trillion yuan in 2012 to 114.4 trillion yuan in 2021, and its proportion in the world economy will increase from 11.4% to more than 18%.

As the world's second largest economy, the second largest consumer market, the largest manufacturing country, the largest country in goods trade, and the largest country in foreign exchange reserves, China's position in the global economic map has been further consolidated and enhanced.

  The foundation is more solid.

Grain production has stabilized at more than 1.3 trillion kilograms for seven consecutive years, achieving basic self-sufficiency in grains and absolutely safe food rations, and firmly holding the rice bowl in our own hands.

We will build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, continuously improve the coal, electricity, oil and gas production, supply, storage and sales system, and continue to improve energy supply guarantee capabilities.

The key core technologies in the fields of 5G, basic software, and industrial host machines have been accelerated, and the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain have continued to improve.

  People's lives are constantly improving.

The per capita GDP has increased from US$6,300 in 2012 to US$12,500 in 2021, which is higher than the global average and close to the threshold of high-income countries; a total of 130 million new urban jobs have been created in the past ten years. In the case of superposition, the average annual increase in urban employment in the past two years is still more than 11 million; 100% of qualified townships and organic villages have access to hardened roads and 100% of passenger cars, and administrative villages have access to broadband, nearly 100 million rural poor The entire population has been lifted out of poverty... The income of residents has increased, the quality of employment has improved, and the dream of a well-off in an all-round way has been realized. Thanks to economic development, the life of the Chinese people is getting more and more prosperous.

Full of innovation vitality

  "Chang'e" flying to the moon, "Beidou" networking, "Tianwen" falling on fire, "Xihe" exploring the sun, the Chinese entered their own space station for the first time, and good news in the aerospace field is frequent; the world's longest sea-crossing bridge, the world's longest desert Highways, the world's most advanced high-speed rail and nuclear power equipment, and the world's largest 5G network, each "world's best" has polished up "China's business cards"... In the past decade, with the in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy , a series of major scientific and technological achievements have come out one after another.

  New technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum communication, and intelligent driving are leading the world. New products such as drones and smartphones have gone abroad. New models such as express delivery, online office, and Internet medical care are in the ascendant... In the past decade, new technologies, new products and new The business format is booming, and large and medium-sized enterprises integrate innovation and develop their own strengths.

  "There are active and active creations everywhere, and rapid progress is everywhere."

The great power and advanced technology demonstrate the steady improvement of my country's economic strength and scientific and technological strength.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has accelerated the construction of an innovative country and a world science and technology power, and promoted the "first driving force" to be stronger and the innovation momentum to be more surging——

  Innovation is stronger.

The R&D investment of the whole society will increase from 1.03 trillion yuan in 2012 to 2.79 trillion yuan in 2021, and the R&D investment intensity will increase from 1.91% to 2.44%.

Funds for basic research have tripled in the past ten years, and the number of domestic invention patents and PCT international applications has jumped to the top in the world.

In the global innovation index ranking released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China has risen from 34th in 2012 to 12th in 2021.

  More enthusiasm for innovation.

Enterprises are the main body of technological innovation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the total R&D investment intensity of industrial enterprises above designated size has doubled, the proportion of new product sales revenue in business revenue has increased from 11.9% to 22.4%, and more than 570 industrial enterprises have been shortlisted in the world. 2500 strong R&D investment.

At present, the relevant departments have cultivated more than 40,000 "specialized and special new" small and medium-sized enterprises, 4,762 small giant enterprises, and 848 single-sector champion enterprises in manufacturing, which have played an important role in strengthening, supplementing and stabilizing the chain.

  The industrial structure is better.

The scale of emerging industries such as solar photovoltaic, wind power, new display, semiconductor lighting, and advanced energy storage ranks among the top in the world, and the scale of the digital economy continues to grow rapidly, ranking second in the world for many years.

While emerging industries are booming, traditional industries are also accelerating their upgrades. Steel, coal, machinery and other industries are gradually saying goodbye to the old road of extensive development and embarking on a new road of innovation-driven, intelligent manufacturing, and green and low carbon.

  The market is more dynamic.

Deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, regulating services", encouraging social investment, and creating a market-oriented, legalized, and international business environment. A series of reform measures have helped China's economy burst into vitality and become a highly active fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship in the world.

In 2021, the total number of market entities in my country will historically leap to a new level of 150 million, an increase of 1.8 times compared with the end of 2012, and the average daily number of new enterprises will reach 25,000, which is 3.6 times that of 2012.

Development space continues to expand

  On the banks of Lingding Ocean, world-class urban agglomerations are accelerating their rise.

  In 2021, the total economic volume will be about 12.6 trillion yuan, an increase of about 2.4 trillion yuan over 2017; in the global innovation index, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou innovation cluster ranks second in the world for two consecutive years... In these years, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area The region deepened cooperation and took a new step.

  On the snowy plateau, frontier people are ushering in a new and happy life.

  On June 25, 2021, the first electrified railway in the Tibet Autonomous Region, the Lalin Railway, opened for operation, completely ending the history of no railway in southeastern Tibet.

For more than a year, Tibetan specialties such as matsutake mushrooms, Tibetan chicken, and Tibetan fragrant pigs have been sold to the whole country through the Lalin Railway. The production and living resources such as building materials, grains, potash fertilizers, and food have been continuously transported into southeastern Tibet. support and guarantee.

  From the eastern coast to the western inland, from prosperous cities to beautiful countryside, the vast land of China provides huge growth space for China's economy.

  Promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and the construction of the Xiongan New Area with high standards and high quality. "Sectors" complement each other's advantages, promote new-type urbanization with people as the core, and implement the strategy of rural revitalization... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's economic stage has become wider and wider.

  Over the past decade, while the balance, coordination and complementarity of regional development have continued to increase, the breadth and depth of my country's opening to the outside world have also been comprehensively expanded.

  "Over the years of operating in China, 3M has personally felt and benefited from China's continuous expansion of high-level opening up and continuous improvement of the business environment." Mike Roman, chairman and CEO of 3M, said.

At present, 3M has established a number of production bases in China, and has also deployed one of the company's four global R&D centers in Shanghai.

  Implementing the Foreign Investment Law, reducing the negative list of foreign investment access for many years in a row, and continuously improving the foreign investment environment; successively deployed and constructed 21 free trade pilot zones and Hainan Free Trade Port, creating a series of new opening-up highlands and experimental fields; successfully held the China International Import Expo, Large-scale international economic and trade events such as the Service Trade Fair, the Canton Fair, and the Consumer Expo; a large number of cooperation projects such as the China-Europe Railway Express, the China-Laos Railway, and the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway have taken root, and the "Belt and Road" friends circle is expanding. These ten In 2018, my country comprehensively improved the level of opening to the outside world, built a new system of higher-level open economy, and gained new advantages in international cooperation and competition.

In 2021, my country's actual use of foreign capital will reach 1.15 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world, an increase of 62.9% over 2012; the share of commodity exports in the international market will increase from 11% in 2012 to 15%.

Solid progress of the new urbanization strategy (new actions in the new era)

  Our reporter Ding Yiting

  "Buying a house and settling down in the city makes us new citizens." Sun Chao, a forklift driver whose hometown is in the countryside of Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, has worked in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province for 14 years, and now his monthly income has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

"The kids go to a public school near their home, and we're also on social security."

  Citizenization of agricultural transfer population is the primary task of new urbanization.

In the past 10 years, 130 million agricultural migrants and other permanent residents have settled in cities and towns in China. In 2021, the urbanization rate of the national permanent population will reach 64.72%.

The coverage and equalization level of basic public services have been significantly improved. In 2021, the proportion of children who migrated with children during compulsory education nationwide will be 90.9% in public schools and enjoy government-purchased degree services in private schools, and more agricultural migrants will be able to stay. "Developed".

  Cities are important spaces for carrying population, main sources of innovation activities, and main engines of economic development.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has further promoted the new urbanization with people as the core, and accelerated the construction of livable, resilient, innovative, intelligent, green and humanistic cities, and the people's growing needs for a better life have been better satisfied.

  Life is more convenient.

"The community has been renovated and installed with an elevator. Now I buy rice and go home, and I'm no longer afraid of going to the sixth floor. Not only that, but the original 'spider web'-like aerial cables are also neatly sorted." Uncle Li lives in the Zhanqian Community of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Full of praise for the renovation of the old community.

From 2019 to 2021, a total of 115,000 old urban communities will be renovated nationwide, a total of 51,000 elevators will be installed, and more than 30,000 community service facilities such as the elderly will be added.

  The environment is better.

Desilting and widening, replenishing reclaimed water, and building landscape corridors... From the stinky ditch that everyone avoids to the scenic line with clear water and beautiful scenery, Beijing's Liangma River has a new look.

At present, black and odorous water bodies in 295 cities at the prefecture level and above (excluding prefectures and leagues) have been basically eliminated, and there are more than 1,600 wetland parks of various types across the country, and more than 80,000 kilometers of greenways have been constructed.

  The city has a stronger humanistic color.

"Tradition is alive in modern times, and the old city has new vitality." In the ancient city of Quanzhou, Fujian, the intangible cultural heritage experience project created by Dai Junqi, born in the 1980s, is very popular with tourists.

At present, there are 140 national historical and cultural cities and 312 Chinese historical and cultural towns across the country.

In-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy (new actions in the new era)

  Our reporter Gu Zhongyang

  At 5 o'clock in the morning, Yang Zhengbang got up and started preparing dishes. "It's the peak tourist season. Although I'm a little tired, I'm very happy!"

  Yang Zhengbang is the owner of a homestay in Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Hunan Province.

Recently, there has been an endless stream of tourists coming to the village to "check in", and his family can earn thousands of yuan a day.

"10 years ago, I couldn't even think about it. The changes in these 10 years are really changing with each passing day."

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the new era of poverty alleviation has begun.

The strategy of precise poverty alleviation has fully blossomed in Shibadong Village.

"The whole village has gradually formed five leading industries, including tourism, mountain spring water, labor services, planting and breeding, and Miao embroidery. At the end of 2016, Shibadong Village was lifted out of poverty and started a new journey to continue the struggle for rural revitalization." Secretary of the village party branch Shi Jintong said.

  Conditions are getting better and better, and opportunities are increasing.

Shortly after graduating from university, Shi Kang, a young man, returned to Shibadong Village to form a team, conduct live webcasts, and help the villagers sell honey and bacon.

Catch the "express train" of e-commerce, the special products of Shibadong Village are sold all over the country.

  More talents have returned to their hometowns, new industries and new forms of business have grown rapidly, the millennium Miao Village has come alive, the life of the villagers in Shibadong Village has grown steadily, and the annual per capita net income of the villagers has jumped from 1668 yuan 10 years ago to 20167 last year Yuan.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has insisted that solving the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" issues as the top priority of the Party's work, won the battle against poverty, solved the problem of absolute poverty historically, and implemented rural The revitalization strategy will promote historic achievements and historic changes in agriculture and rural areas.

  The transformation and upgrading of the agricultural product processing and circulation industry has been accelerated, and new forms of business such as leisure tourism and e-commerce live broadcast are emerging. Modern agricultural industrial parks are flourishing, and rural industries are flourishing. The penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas has exceeded 70%, and the level of domestic waste and sewage treatment has been significantly improved. , basically achieved clean, tidy and orderly, and the rural living environment has been significantly improved; the construction of rural water supply, power supply, traffic roads, broadband networks, schools and hospitals and other facilities has accelerated, and new progress has been made in rural people's livelihood. Looking at today's China, every village, The industry is prosperous, the environment is beautiful, the popularity is prosperous, and there are more smiles on the faces of farmers.

Strengthening the Party's Overall Leadership in Economic Work (Watching the Tide)

  Su Yu

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Whether it can manage the world's second largest economy well, and whether it can maintain sustainable and healthy economic and social development, fundamentally depends on whether the party's core leadership role in economic and social development is played well."

  Economic construction is the central work of the party.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has strengthened strategic planning and unified leadership of economic work, improved the system and mechanism of the Party's leadership of economic work, and made decisions that adhere to the theme of high-quality development and supply-side structural reform. The main line, building a modern economic system, grasping the strategic base point of expanding domestic demand, making major decisions such as preventing and defusing major risks, precision poverty alleviation, and pollution prevention and control, unite and lead the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to write a new chapter in the development of the new era.

  Anti-poverty, building a moderately prosperous society, stabilizing the economy, promoting development, fighting the epidemic, fighting floods, resolving crises, and responding to emergencies have gone through an extraordinary decade.

The economic strength has become more resilient, it has entered the ranks of innovative countries, the quality and efficiency of the supply system has continued to improve, the battle against poverty has been comprehensively won, and the coordinated development of regional urban and rural areas has taken on a new situation. for a solid material foundation.

Practice has fully proved that adhering to the party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of my country's economy and society.

  At present, the century-old changes and the epidemic of the century are superimposed on each other, and the world has entered a new period of turbulent changes. The internal and external environment facing my country's development has undergone profound and complex changes.

The more severe and complex the situation is, and the more risks and challenges increase, the more important it is to have a strong core of leadership to ensure stable and long-term economic stability and social stability in our country.

  In the new era and new journey, we must take Xi Jinping's economic thought as the fundamental compliance and action guide for solidly promoting high-quality economic development, and continuously improve our political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

It is necessary to transform the institutional advantages of the party's leadership of economic work into governance efficiency, and continuously improve the scientific and legal level and professional ability of leading economic work.

At present, in particular, it is necessary to fully implement the requirements that the epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe, consolidate the trend of economic recovery, focus on stabilizing employment and prices, keep the economy operating within a reasonable range, and strive to achieve the best results. The achievements welcome the victory of the party's 20th National Congress.

  Unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, maintain strategic resolve, and do our own thing firmly. We will surely achieve victory after victory, and China's economic giant will be able to ride the wind and waves and sail steadily and far.