Teller Report

Kenya: Martha Koome, the president of the Supreme Court, in the center of attention

8/23/2022, 9:01:11 PM

All eyes are now on the Supreme Court and in particular its President Martha Koome, in Kenya. On Monday, Raila Odinga filed an appeal before this court, the highest in the…

Kenya: Martha Koome, the president of the Supreme Court, in the center of attention

Supreme Court President Martha Koome's journey has earned her a reputation as a woman of courage and integrity.


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All eyes are now on the Supreme Court and in particular its President Martha Koome, in Kenya.

On Monday, Raila Odinga filed an appeal before this court, the highest in the country, to try to invalidate the victory of William Ruto in the presidential election of August 9.

The Supreme Court has 14 days to decide.

Appointed in May 2021, Martha Koome therefore has the heavy responsibility of settling the dispute and deciding the continuation of the ongoing political process. 


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With our correspondent in Nairobi,

Florence Morice

Few observers had bet on his appointment to this key post.

However, Martha Koome's career has earned her the reputation of being a courageous and honest woman.

Before joining the judiciary in 2003, she was a lawyer, known for having defended political prisoners, including Raila Odinga, when he fought the regime of Daniel Arap Moi. 

This past alongside Raila Odinga did not prevent the magistrate, at the beginning of this year, from challenging a constitutional reform project that the latter was defending alongside President Uhuru Kenyatta.

A major snub for the outgoing head of state and a sign of independence for the magistrate.

In 2019, Martha Koome also rose to prominence for rejecting an appeal to stop a gay rights organization.

This course, and his 34 years of experience, will undoubtedly be useful to him.

Because Kenya remains known for political interference in the judiciary.

And the pressure is strong on his shoulders.

The annulment of the 2017 election has established the Kenyan Supreme Court as a regional model, so it is up to Martha Koome to prove that she deserves this reputation as an impartial arbiter, knowing that her decision will partly determine the the country's political and security climate for the coming weeks. 

►Also read: Presidential election in Kenya: Raila Odinga files an appeal before the Supreme Court


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  • Kenya

  • William Ruto

  • Uhuru Kenyatta