Teller Report

Egypt: five Arab leaders gathered at the New Alamein summit

8/23/2022, 4:07:10 AM

Five Arab heads of state and government met on Monday (22 August) in the town of New Alamein, on Egypt's Mediterranean coast. The mini-summit held at the invitation of Abdel Fattah al-Sissi…

Egypt: five Arab leaders gathered at the New Alamein summit

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi receives Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi upon his arrival in the Mediterranean city of Al-Alamein, Egypt, August 22, 2022. via REUTERS - Iraqi Prime Minister Media Offic

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Five Arab heads of state and government met on Monday (22 August) in the town of New Alamein, on Egypt's Mediterranean coast.

The mini-summit held at the invitation of Abdel Fattah al-Sissi brings together the President of the Emirates, the Kings of Jordan and Bahrain and the Iraqi Prime Minister.


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With our correspondent in Cairo,

Alexandre Buccianti


war in Ukraine

and its energy, and especially food, fallout on the Arab world and how to deal with it was the first issue addressed by the summit.

The possibility of an American-Iranian

nuclear agreement

and its consequences for the region was also examined.

The strengthening of relations between the five countries at the political, economic, commercial and industrial level was discussed with a first result: the commitment of the Emirates to invest nearly 10 billion dollars in Jordan and Egypt.

Many topics discussed

Issues such as Syria's reintegration into the Arab League and the Ethiopian dam on the Nile were also discussed.

The five Heads of State and Government also visited New Alamein, which was officially inaugurated on this occasion.

New Alamein was decided by President Sissi to become the summer capital of power but also a seaside resort which, in time, should accommodate 4 million people.


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  • Egypt

  • United Arab Emirates

  • Jordan

  • Bahrain

  • Syria

  • Iraq

  • Abdel Fattah al-Sisi