Teller Report

"The History of Apple"... Steve Jobs' first prototype sold for 900 million won

8/22/2022, 9:06:18 AM

<Oh! Click> The second search term is 'Jobs' first work 900 million won'. A prototype of the 'Apple 1 computer' produced in 1976 was sold at an auction in the United States for about 950 million won.


Click> The second search term is 'Jobs' first work 900 million won'.

A prototype of the 'Apple 1 computer' produced in 1976 was sold at an auction in the United States for about 950 million won.

It is the first work of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

The prototype was then used by Jobs to demonstrate the operation of the Apple 1 to Paul Terrell, owner of the Byte Shop, a personal computer store in Mountain View, California.

It was kept in Apple's warehouse for several years before Jobs turned it over to the current seller about 30 years ago.

"There would be no Apple 1 without this prototype," said an auctioneer official. "It is like the holy grail of Steve Jobs and Apple's collectibles."

The winning bidder was only known to be from the San Francisco Bay Area.

Netizens commented, "It's a prototype of the passion of young Jobs. I really want to see it!"

"It's 900 million won sleeping in the warehouse... I shouldn't throw away Apple products."