Teller Report

A large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid leaked from a factory in Japan, up to 1900 liters

8/17/2022, 1:34:01 AM

A large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid leaked in a factory in Japan may reach 1,900 liters   Overseas Network, August 17th. According to Japan's Asahi TV report on the 16th, a factory in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan reported a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid leakage on the same day. It is initially estimated that the maximum amount of leakage may reach 1,900 liters.

A large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid leaked in a factory in Japan may reach 1,900 liters

  Overseas Network, August 17th. According to Japan's Asahi TV report on the 16th, a factory in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan reported a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid leakage on the same day. It is initially estimated that the maximum amount of leakage may reach 1,900 liters.

  At noon on the 16th, the staff of the plant reported the leakage of concentrated sulfuric acid.

Hamamatsu City later stated that in addition to soaking the soil in the factory, part of the leaked concentrated sulfuric acid also flowed into the drainage channel.

The leakage of sulfuric acid may be due to operational errors or damage to the associated pipes.

At present, it is initially judged that the leakage of concentrated sulfuric acid may reach 1900 liters at most.

  Japanese media said that the concentrated sulfuric acid can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin, and if it comes into contact with the eyes, there is a risk of blindness.

The Hamamatsu city government has reminded surrounding residents to never approach the drainage channels near the factory.

(Zhang Ni from Overseas Network)