Teller Report

Keep your mouth shut at the pouring questions... Minister of Education hastily

8/4/2022, 12:48:22 PM

The government lowered its stance, saying that it would listen to public opinion more after the hasty announcement of lowering the age to attend elementary school by one year. However, the Minister of Education, who should listen to and communicate with people, was hesitant to avoid answers despite the flood of questions from reporters today.


The government lowered its stance, saying that it would listen more to public opinion after the hasty announcement of lowering the age for going to elementary school by one year.

However, the Minister of Education, who should listen to and communicate with people, was in a hurry to avoid answers despite the flood of questions from reporters today (the 4th).

Reporter Jeong Da-eun covered it.


Minister of Education Park Soon-ae, who said that he would engage in communication to promote public opinion in society.

After she announced the school's quarantine policy for the second semester, she was asked questions from the press, which she refused to answer and she hurriedly left.

[Aren’t you going to be asked questions during the briefing in the future?]

[There are a lot of things people are curious about right now…


[Isn't the Minister too irresponsible?

You have to ask a question...


After making the controversy like this]

[Minister, didn't you say that you would gather public opinion a lot?]

Reporters and staff of the Ministry of Education got tangled up and Minister Park's shoes were taken off.

While Minister Park remained silent, parents and educational organizations continued to swear at the National Assembly debate.

[The government apologizes to the education entity and the public, including students, parents, faculty and staff.



It is analyzed that Minister Park's lack of experience in education administration also played a role in the hasty announcement of the reorganization of the school system.

Immediately after the announcement, as the backlash was strong, an unrealistic alternative was brought out, which further intensified the controversy.

[Kwon Jeong-yoon/Professor of Early Childhood Education Department, Sungshin Women's University: I said that I spend 25% every 4 years, but I changed it to spend 1 month every 12 years.

The National Board of Education said that it would be promoted through public discussion, but it was changed that the policy could be abolished.]

From the minister who was an administrative scholar, the vice minister from the Office of Government Policy Coordination, and the vice minister from the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, all the leaders are non-specialists in education.

[Lim Mi-ryung / CEO of a World Without Worrying about Private Education: We cannot entrust the future of education reform with our children to a minister who lacks professionalism and skills in education.] After

taking office, the credibility and leadership of the minister shakes and the coronal educational gap is resolved .

There are also concerns that major educational issues such as training and training of high-tech industry manpower will also drift.

(Video coverage: Kim Heung-gi, Kim Min-cheol, video editing: Choi Eun-jin)

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