Teller Report

Russia: The situation is rapidly deteriorating as clashes intensify between Azerbaijan and Armenia

8/3/2022, 6:22:50 PM

The situation in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region and its surroundings is rapidly deteriorating, with the intensification of clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Interfax news agency quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying on Wednesday.

Russia: The situation is rapidly deteriorating as clashes intensify between Azerbaijan and Armenia

The situation in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region and its surrounding areas is rapidly deteriorating, with the intensification of clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Interfax news agency quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying on Wednesday.

Earlier, the separatist authorities in the Armenian-majority enclave announced a partial mobilization of their forces amid the escalation of clashes with Azerbaijan.

Interfax reported that Russia said that the situation in the areas controlled by the peacekeeping forces was getting tense, and that it had detected at least one violation of the ceasefire by the Azerbaijani forces.

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