Teller Report

IAEA report: Iran continues uranium enrichment activities

8/3/2022, 7:22:45 PM

Iran has completed the installation of three sets of advanced IR6 centrifuges at its Natanz uranium enrichment facility, according to a report of the International Atomic Energy Agency, directed to member states, and seen by Reuters on Wednesday.

IAEA report: Iran continues uranium enrichment activities

Iran has completed the installation of three sets of advanced IR6 centrifuges at its Natanz uranium enrichment facility, an International Atomic Energy Agency report, directed to member states, and seen by Reuters on Wednesday revealed.

The report said Iran also told the agency that it plans to install six additional IRM2M units in a new operating unit at the facility.

This comes as Iran's chief negotiator and the US special envoy head to Vienna for talks this week aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.

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