Teller Report

Pelosi arrives in Taiwan… No military clashes but heightened tensions

8/2/2022, 4:58:19 PM

Despite strong opposition from China, US House Speaker Pelosi arrived in Taiwan a while ago. Although there were no feared military clashes, tensions between the United States and China over Taiwan are still at their peak.


Despite strong opposition from China, US House Speaker Pelosi arrived in Taiwan a while ago.

Although there were no feared military clashes, tensions between the United States and China over Taiwan are still at their peak.

Correspondent Kim Ji-seong from Beijing reported.


US House Speaker Pelosi, who is on a tour in Asia, arrived at Taipei Songshan Airport at 11:45 pm yesterday (2nd) our time.

It is known that Pelosi's plane, which departed from Malaysia, detoured to the east of the Philippines and landed in Taiwan, avoiding the South China Sea, where Chinese and American troops are gathering.

Pelosi is the third-largest person in the U.S. hierarchy and the first U.S. official to visit Taiwan in 25 years.

Chairman Pelosi is due to leave Taiwan today after meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen and others.

He protested strongly, saying China was in violation of the 'one China' principle.

He reiterated his position that he would not hesitate to take a military response.

[Hua Chunying / Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: (China's) position and attitude are clear.

China will certainly defend its sovereignty and security interests with decisive and strong measures.]

There was no military clash during Pelosi's arrival in Taiwan, but the possibility of a clash remains.

Chinese state media reported that a Chinese fighter jet had passed through the Taiwan Strait as Chairman Pelosi arrived in Taiwan.

Two Chinese aircraft carriers headed for the South China Sea at once, and in China's Fujian Province facing Taiwan, a large number of troops, including armored vehicles, were caught moving.

Flights from Fujian Province have been canceled one after another, and live ammunition training for the Chinese military has been announced in the waters surrounding Shandong Province.

Following the Ronald Reagan carrier squadron, the United States is also sending fighters from Okinawa, Japan to near Taiwan.

Taiwan has deployed 700 police and intelligence officers to protect Chairman Pelosi and has raised its military readiness posture.