Teller Report

Ex-Pentagon adviser: US is not ready for a possible clash with China

8/2/2022, 7:28:28 PM

Former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Douglas McGregor, believes that the US administration's policy towards Taiwan is dangerous and reckless, and the United States army itself is not ready for a possible war with China.

He expressed this opinion in an interview with RIA Novosti.

“The Joe Biden administration is stupid, their Taiwan policy is reckless and dangerous.

In the 1930s, Imperial Japan used Taiwan as a springboard to invade China.

If the PRC decides that we are militarizing Taiwan to use it as a base against it, they will definitely invade - and we are not in a position to stop it, ”McGregor said.

In his opinion, the US is "not ready for war with China."

“We do not have the logistics infrastructure in the Western Pacific to wage such a war,” the expert argued.

The United States is “irresponsibly provoking the Chinese in the same way that it has been provoking the Russians in the situation around Ukraine for years,” he stressed.

McGregor added that Washington is ignoring Beijing's warnings in the same way that it ignored the Russian government's warnings.

On August 2, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taipei.

According to her, the visit to the island shows "America's unwavering commitment" to support "Taiwanese democracy."

China strongly protested Pelosi's visit.

Immediately after that, the People's Liberation Army of China announced military exercises in six areas around Taiwan from August 4 to 7.