Teller Report

Yen exchange rate rises slightly

8/1/2022, 10:11:22 AM

[NHK] On the first day of the week, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate rose slightly.

On the first day of the week, the Tokyo foreign exchange market saw a slight increase in the yen exchange rate.

The yen exchange rate at 5:00 pm was 132.55-56 sen to the dollar, 22 sen higher than last weekend.

Against the euro, the exchange rate was ¥135.59 to ¥135.63, an increase of ¥29.00 against the euro compared to last weekend.

The euro was 1 euro = 1.0229 to 31 dollars against the dollar.

A market insider said, ``As fears of an economic recession in the United States grow, there is a growing view that the pace of interest rate hikes will slow down. "I'm talking.

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