Teller Report

Washington: China is positioning itself to display a possible military force around Taiwan

8/1/2022, 7:28:11 PM

Washington on Monday suggested that China was in a state of "positioning" to a possible military show of force around Taiwan, punctuated by missile launches, ahead of a possible visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the island.

Washington: China is positioning itself to display a possible military force around Taiwan

Washington suggested Monday that China is in a state of "positioning" to a possible military show of force around Taiwan, with missile launches, ahead of a possible visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the island.

"It appears that China is positioned to take further potential steps in the coming days," White House spokesman for strategic issues John Kirby told reporters, "which could include military provocations such as missile launches in the Taiwan Strait or around Taiwan," also referring to "the possibility of an air entry over Taiwan." Wide scope to the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Area.

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