Teller Report

The LPR said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are firing from M777 howitzers in the Artemovsk area

8/1/2022, 11:04:07 PM

The Ukrainian military fire from American artillery howitzers M777 on the forces of the People's Militia of the Luhansk People's Republic approaching Artemivsk. This was stated by the commander of the battalion of the defense department of the republic.

“They work (in the Artyomovsk region. -


) from 155 mm imported M777 guns,” RIA Novosti quotes the words of the agency’s interlocutor.

He clarified that in order to impede the advancement of the LNR forces, the Ukrainian security forces use cluster munitions with anti-personnel mines "Petal".

Earlier, the representative office of the Lugansk People's Republic in the JCCC stated that Ukrainian troops fired at the settlement of Stakhanov from the HIMARS MLRS, firing three rockets.

The head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, said that the forces of the DPR had crossed the Yasinovataya-Konstantinovka highway.

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