Teller Report

The Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador - criticized posts about a dead soldier

8/1/2022, 8:51:59 PM

Russia's ambassador Viktor Tatarintsev was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm on Monday. The reason is the Russian embassy's post on social media about a Swede who was killed in fighting in Ukraine.

"At the meeting, Russia's aggression against Ukraine was again condemned.

During the conversation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also criticized the Russian embassy's reprehensible Facebook post on July 25," writes the Foreign Ministry's press service in an email to TT.

"Otherwise, the Foreign Ministry does not comment on what was said at the meeting."

"Reprehensible and tasteless"

In a post on social media, the Russian embassy wrote, among other things, that the Swedish soldier "got what he deserved".

Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) commented on the Russian post for Dagens Nyheter on Friday.

"The text is reprehensible and tasteless.

The embassy does not mention at all that it is Russia that started the war and only Russia can end it," she wrote to the newspaper.

Not the first time

It became known earlier this summer that a Swedish man in his 30s had been killed.

The man ended his employment with the Armed Forces last spring to join the Ukrainian army.

It is not the first time that the ambassador has been summoned due to Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.

Among other things, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed condemnations after the discovery of mass graves in the Ukrainian city of Butja.