Teller Report

Rival protests in Iraq amid political tensions

8/1/2022, 6:16:22 PM

Illustrating the standoff that is tearing Iraq apart, the political rivals of Moqtada Sadr demonstrated by the thousands this Monday, August 1 in Baghdad, when the supporters of the powerful Shiite leader were pursuing…

Rival protests in Iraq amid political tensions

Police use a water cannon to prevent Coordination Framework supporters from entering Baghdad's Green Zone on August 1, 2022, during a counter-protest against Moqtada Sadr loyalists.


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Illustrating the standoff that is tearing Iraq apart, the political rivals of Moqtada Sadr demonstrated by the thousands this Monday, August 1 in Baghdad, when the supporters of the powerful Shiite leader continued their sit-in in Parliament.


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Tension has risen a notch in Iraq after Moqtada Sadr rejected the candidate for prime minister put forward by his adversaries, the pro-Iran Shiite factions that form the influential Coordination Framework.

Troublemaker of political life, the powerful Shiite leader has demonstrated that he is able to mobilize the crowds to advance his pawns: twice in a few days, his supporters have invaded Parliament,

setting up a camp there since Saturday


It is now the turn of his opponents.

On Monday afternoon, a few thousand demonstrators invaded, for just a few hours, an avenue leading to the Green Zone, an ultra-secure sector housing government institutions, Western embassies and where Parliament is located.

The people will not authorize a coup

 ," read the placards of the new protesters, who waved Iraqi flags.

Police activated water cannons to ward off those who attempted to approach a bridge leading to the Green Zone, an Agence France-Presse correspondent noted.

After a little over two hours, the supporters of the Coordination Framework began their calm withdrawal. 


Take the Streets


The Coordination Framework has also multiplied calls for dialogue to resolve the crisis which has continued to worsen since the October 2021 legislative elections. Iran, which enjoys a strong influence in Iraq, assured on Monday "

to respect the choice of the Iraqi people 


For Iranian diplomatic spokesman Nasser Kanani, " 

dialogue is the best way to resolve Iraq's internal problems


On Monday, a close associate of Moqtada Sadr also called for rallies at the end of the afternoon in the provinces of Iraq.

Hundreds of them answered the call in the predominantly Shiite south, in the cities of Nasiriyah, Basra and Kut, according to AFP correspondents.

In Parliament, a few thousand Sadrist demonstrators remained mobilized, waving flags and portraits of Moqtada Sadr, noted an AFP correspondent.

Dancing in the main hall, they chanted “ 

Here are the soldiers of the son of the Sayyed

 ”, in allusion to Moqtada Sadr and his title of descendant of the prophet.

At the entrance to Parliament, men were searching newcomers while several tents were pitched in the gardens.





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