Teller Report

Instead of a resort, staying at a private residence and 'worrying'... President Yoon's first vacation

8/1/2022, 11:46:46 PM

President Yoon Seok-yeol is spending his first vacation after taking office at his private residence, not at a local resort. During this vacation, he seems to be thinking about how to deal with the public sentiment, but the president's office drew a line on the theory of human renewal.


President Yoon Seok-yeol is spending his first vacation after taking office at his private residence, not at a local resort.

During this vacation, he seems to be thinking about how to deal with the public sentiment, but the president's office drew a line on the theory of human renewal. 

He is the best reporter on the news.


President Yoon, who took his first vacation after taking office, chose to stay at his private residence in Seoul instead of visiting a local resort.

An official from the presidential office explained that if the president moves during the holiday season, it will be a nuisance to those who are on vacation in the region, and that he will take a long rest in Seoul for a long time, such as taking a walk or watching a movie, and do less work.

However, the situation of the government and passports is not simple to take a complete rest.

The approval rating for performing state affairs has fallen to the 20% level, and even the ruling party, which should be in line with each other, has entered a phase of dismantling the leadership.

This is why the theory of human renewal is pouring out inside and outside the party.

[Ha Tae-kyung / People's Power Rep. (MBC Radio): At least someone in the secretariat thinks that someone in charge should come out.

Acting party representative has resigned, but I think the chief of staff at the same level should be held responsible.]

However, a representative from the presidential office drew a line saying, "The story that the company will be renewed after the vacation is over is groundless."

When pointed out that the need for renewal itself was denied, a high-ranking official in the presidential office said that it was up to President Yoon to renew, and explained that he is working hard on preparations for Liberation Day and 100 days of inauguration.

As the president's will is not to get involved in party affairs, the ruling party will sort out any confusion within the ruling party and the president will decide for himself to reform.

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