Teller Report

Had to break in the first stage - gives reassuring news

8/1/2022, 11:04:44 AM

Tove Alexandersson had to break under the O-ring in July due to feeling unwell. She dismounted on her own in the first stage. But now comes positive news ahead of the EC in Estonia. - It looks good before the EC and she has had a good step-up, says Anneli Östberg, the national team captain for the Swedish national team in orienteering.

Sweden's medal hope in orienteering Tove Alexandersson is only two days away from stepping into the European Championships in Estonia.

She has been out of the limelight following the illness during the O-Ring.

But now there is positive news - the 29-year-old is in place in Estonia.

"Never got sick"

- She never got sick, it was planned that she would not run any more.

She felt during the course of the race that her body was not as it should be and it was wise to break, says Anneli Östberg, the national team captain for the Swedish national team in orienteering.

On Wednesday there are intermediate qualifiers in the EC and the first final on Thursday is the long final.

Stepped up the training

- It looks good ahead of the EC and she has had a good build-up.

In terms of form, she hasn't really tested herself and hasn't completed any tougher training because the EC is soon here.

- The form is certainly as stable as before.

The European Championships in orienteering in Estonia will take place between August 2-8.