Teller Report

George Soros: 8.6 billion feed his black legend

8/1/2022, 10:52:47 AM

For George Soros (91) the world is a chessboard. He removes kings, he handles pawns, he handles everything from the rook, and he always makes the last move. His checkmates are...

  • Fortunes George Soros's millionaire offer to his ex to disappear

  • Relationships The murky and millionaire divorce of the son of billionaire Soros

For George Soros (91) the world is a chessboard.

He removes kings, he handles pawns, he handles everything from the rook, and he always makes the last move.

His checkmates are master moves.

The man who

broke the Bank of England in 1992 by manipulating the price of the pound


Black Wednesday

is still


to establish a

New World Order

at the expense of nation-states.

With a fortune of 8.6 billion, his agenda is his weapon of power.

He doesn't care about social consequences when making decisions.

He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


estimates his

fortune at 8,600 million dollars

, but what really makes him practically indestructible are

his contacts

, since he walks around the White House, the UN, the Davos Forum and the European Parliament when and how he feels like it. win.

He was already pointing the finger when the Nazis invaded Hungary, because

he managed to buy forged documents for his entire family

and bribed an official to pose as his Christian godson.

Obviously, they changed his Jewish surname, Schwartz, to Soros, a palindrome that means 'designated successor' in Hungarian and 'will fly' in Esperanto.

Settled in London, he began to work as a railway waiter and baggage handler, which did not prevent him from studying at the prestigious London School of Economics, where he was

a disciple of the philosopher Karl Popper

, whose idea of ​​a liberal economy in order to put an end to democratic totalitarianism permeated in Soros.

Endowed with extraordinary intelligence, when he emigrated to the United States in 1956 it can be said that his professional life covered two areas that fed each other, first he focused on economics and decades later on politics.

Once he became a multimillionaire thanks to the

profits made by investment funds in the midst of the Cold War,

he wanted to materialize Popper's ideal of democratizing societies.

Hence, in 1979 he created the Open Society Foundations, whose tentacles currently operate in more than 120 countries.

Its weight on the world geopolitical board is enormous.

With a complicated economic engineering, Soros camouflages his financing through NGOs,




to create a world free of borders with an

ultra-progressive vision

in the political-social and ultra-liberal in the economic.

Following the disintegration of the USSR in 1991, the billionaire has used


to influence politically.

To know more


George Soros: the millions of the new boogeyman


George Soros: the millions of the new boogeyman

The journalist Pilar Urbano, the doctor in Economic and Business Sciences

Juan Antonio de Castro,

author of the books

Soros, breaking Spain


Not only is Soros

offer an x-ray of how the panorama is developing.

To begin with, George Soros is the demiurge of the so-called color revolutions.

The black one in Serbia (2000), the orange one in the Ukraine (2004), the Tulips in Kyrgyzstan (2005) and the one that touches us the most, the yellow one in Catalonia.

The billionaire settled in Barcelona with the Open Society Initiative for Europe during the mandate of Artur Mas (66) in 2012 with which he financed, among others, some activities of the Diplocat -Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia-, the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), the Observatori DESC, in which Ada Colau acted as coordinator.

In Catalonia it also has a fundamental partner, the businessman Jaume Roures (72), who, through the

La Sexta news

, showed the world the police repression of the radicals during the 1-0.

George Soros at the Davos Forum in 2001.AP

But it is not content only with Spain, it also seeks to

disintegrate the European Union


It controls and

pays for migration from the Mediterranean

because it is the owner of the

Open Arms



ships and, therefore, indiscriminately finances

Doctors Without Borders.

It is not surprising, then, that the European extreme right spreads

fake news

and conspiracy theories.

In Africa, he was the architect of the Arab Spring that led to the fall of the dictators Hosni Mubarak (Egypt), Gaddafi (Libya) or Ben Ali (Tunisia) and government reforms in Morocco, Bahrain, Syria, Oman and Jordan.

Soros was also supported by another of the most influential families of the 20th century, the


Obviously, in many of his decisions he is supported by much more powerful organizations such as Bilderberg or Trilateral, to which key names such as

Henry Kissinger

(99) also belong.

In his adopted country he has it a little more complicated because he has to face castles that were impregnable until now, which is why

he could not prevent the rise to power of Republicans George Bush Jr. (76) and Donald Trump


That is why he supports Black Lives Matter and the pro-abortion, feminist and LGBTI movements, among many others.

Soros 's


has only just begun, he has more and more allies and his five children plan to continue his legacy.

In 2012 he married his third wife, Tamiko Bolton, 41 years younger than him, who will turn 92 on August 12. He had previously been with

Annaliese Witschak

(from 1960 to 1983) and Susan Weber (between 1983 and 2005).

The marriage put an end to the funniest gossip in New York that he maintained that he had several girlfriends living in the same building to visit them frequently.

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